Xenophrys apatani


11:27 AM

1 min read
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Recently, a team of researchers from the Zoological Survey of India recorded the forest-dwelling frog from the Talle Wildlife Sanctuary and named it as Xenophrys apatani.

About Xenophrys apatani:

  • It has been named after the dominant Apatani community in recognition of their ingenuity in the conservation of wild flora and fauna.
  • Distribution: It is distributed along the Eastern Himalayan and the Indo-Burma biodiversity hot spots of the country.

Key facts about Apatani community

  • The Apatani are a tribal group of people living in the Ziro valley in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Language: They speak a local language called Tani and worship the sun and the moon.
  • Festivals: They have major festivals like Dree, Myoko, Yapung and Murung.
    • Dree is celebrated with prayers for a bumper harvest and prosperity of all humankind and Myoka celebrates friendship similar to modern friendship day.
  • They have been practising integrated rice-fish farming in their mountain terraces of Arunachal Pradesh since the 1960s.
  • They principally use three rice varieties: Emeo, Pyape and Mypia.

Key Facts about Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

  • It is located near the beautiful Apatani cultural landscape in the Lower Subansiri District of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Rivers like Pange, Sipu, Karing, and Subansiri flow through this sanctuary.
  • Flora: It has a stunning spectrum of subtropical and alpine forests like silver fir trees, ferns, orchids, bamboo, and rhododendron.
  • Fauna: Clouded leopard, Himalayan squirrel, Himalayan Black Bear etc.

Q1: What is a Biodiversity Heritage Site?

Biodiversity Heritage Site are areas that are unique, ecologically fragile ecosystems having rich biodiversity comprising of any one or more of the components such as; species richness, high endemism, presence of rare, endemic and threatened species etc.

Source: Arunachal Pradesh yields new species of horned frog