05:23 AM
UPSC Prelims 2023 Question:
Consider the following statements regarding the Indian squirrels:
How many of the above statements are correct?
a) Only one
b) Only two
c) All three
d) None
Learn more about the Indian Squirrel from the given explanation.
Indian squirrels are found in India (south of the Vindhyas) and Sri Lanka. They live in tropical dry forests, rainforests, mangrove forests, grasslands, scrub, parks, gardens, and urban areas. They are solitary and only come together during the breeding season. They are active during the day spending their time both in trees and on the ground. Indian squirrels build nests in the treetops using the grass and branches. So, statement 1 is not correct.
They store their food materials like nuts and seeds in the ground. Squirrels hide nuts this way as preparation for cold weather when otherwise food will be scarce. So, statement 2 is correct.
Indian squirrels are omnivores. They feed mainly on nuts and fruits but also eat seeds, insects, small mammals and reptiles, eggs, and even sometimes chicks of birds. So, statement 3 is correct.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.
Subject: Environment | Biodiversity and Conservation
Tags: Factual
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