05:23 AM
The question “From being net food importer in the 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporter to the world. Provide reasons." was asked in the Mains 2023 GS Paper 1. Let us look at the model answer to this question.
Answer: Once heavily dependent on food imports and aid, India has remarkably transformed into a major agricultural exporter. Through sustained enhancements in irrigation, infrastructure, crop diversification, supportive policies and export promotion over decades, India became a leading agri-exporter. (In 2021-22, farm exports touched USD 50 billion, rising 19.92% driven by production gains, reforms and export growth.)
Crop |
Production in 1960-61 (million tonnes) |
Production in 2021-22 (million tonnes) |
Wheat |
10 |
106.84 |
Rice |
35 |
130.29 |
Reasons for India's transition from a net food importer to a net food exporter |
Time-Period |
Area under irrigation (million hectares) |
In 1950-51 |
22.6 |
In 2021-22 |
115 |
Sustained productivity growth through technology, investments, diversification and supportive policies has enabled India's remarkable transition to a leading agricultural exporter. However, challenges like smallholdings, overdependence on rain, infrastructure gaps and income disparities persist. Further efforts on irrigation, market reforms, high-value crops and farmer welfare are imperative to maintain competitiveness.
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