PM Modi Cabinet Formation 2024: Key Appointments and Priorities


12:55 PM

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PM Modi Cabinet Formation 2024: Key Appointments and Priorities Blog Image

What’s in today’s article?

  • Why in News?
  • What are Cabinet committees?
  • What is Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS)?
  • PM Modi Cabinet Formation 2024

Why in News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi allocated portfolios for the Modi 3.0 government with several key ministers retaining their portfolios. Despite the expansion to 72 ministers due to coalition needs, there was no change in the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).

What are Cabinet committees?

  • About
    • Cabinet Committees are smaller groups of ministers within the Government of India, each focused on specific areas of governance. 
    • They are instrumental in reducing the burden on the full Cabinet by enabling more focused discussions and faster decision-making in specialized areas.
  • Constitutional/legal provisions
    • Articles 74 and 77 provide the general framework for the executive’s functioning.
      • Article 74 establishes the existence of the Council of Ministers to aid and advise the President.
      • Article 77 deals with the conduct of business of the Government of India and allows the President to make rules for the more convenient transaction of business.
    • Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961 provides detailed mechanisms and empower the Prime Minister to constitute Cabinet Committees.
      • Rule 6 provides the Prime Minister with the authority to constitute standing or ad hoc committees of the Cabinet and assign functions to them.
      • Rule 7 specifies the procedure for the conduct of business in such committees.
      • Rule 8 allows for the Prime Minister to appoint a member of any such committee as its Chairman.
  • Membership
    • The membership of each committee varies from three to eight. Usually, only Cabinet ministers are members of these committees. 
    • However, it is not unheard of for non-Cabinet ministers to be members or special invitees to committees. 
    • If the Prime Minister himself is a member of any such committee, he acts as the head of that committee.
  • Process
    • After the Union Cabinet is sworn in and ministerial portfolios are allocated, the Prime Minister sets up high-profile Cabinet Committees. 
    • These committees consist of selected Cabinet members and are assigned specific functions. 
    • The Prime Minister has the authority to establish new committees, change the number of committees, and modify their assigned functions.
    • Function
    • The committees resolve issues and formulate proposals for the consideration of the Cabinet and take decisions on matters assigned to them. 
    • The Cabinet is empowered to review such decisions.
  • Existing Cabinet Committees
    • There are eight Cabinet committees at present:
      • the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, 
      • Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs, 
      • Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth, 
      • Cabinet Committee on Security, 
      • Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs, 
      • Cabinet Committee on Employment & Skill Development, and 
      • Cabinet Committee on Accommodation.
  • The committees on investment and employment were innovations introduced by the Modi government in 2019. 
  • All committees except the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation and Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs are headed by the PM.

What is Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS)?

  • About
    • CCS deals with issues related to national security and defense policy.
    • Major decisions with respect to the significant appointments, issues of national security, defence expenditure of India, are taken by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) in India.
  • Members
    • The Prime Minister, which chairs the CCS; 
    • Minister of External Affairs; 
    • Minister of Home Affairs; 
    • Minister of Finance; and 
    • Defence Minister
  • Functions
    • It is responsible for debates, discussions and appointments of/ in the national security bodies. 
    • Major decisions with respect to the significant appointments, issues of national security, defence expenditure of India are taken by CCS.
    • The CCS also brainstorms on issues relating to law and order and internal security, and policy matters concerning foreign affairs on security-related issues. 
    • It also considers matters relating to atomic energy.

PM Modi Cabinet Formation 2024

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s new Cabinet reflects a message of continuity, with key ministers retaining their portfolios from the previous term. 
  • The focus remains on ensuring steady progress in critical areas.
  • Prime Minister's Oversight
    • PM Modi retains key responsibilities, including the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Atomic Energy, and Space. 
    • He oversees all important policy issues and any portfolios not assigned to other ministers.
  • Analysis
    • The Cabinet's composition reflects a balance between continuity and addressing coalition needs, ensuring experienced leadership in critical ministries while integrating new members for strategic growth. 
    • The focus is on cumulative progress in governance, with stability in key security and economic areas.

Q.1. What is Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs?

The Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs is one of the several cabinet committees formed by the Government of India to address specific areas of governance. This committee plays a crucial role in managing and coordinating the legislative activities of the government, ensuring smooth functioning and effective communication between the executive and the legislature.

Q.2. What does article 74 of the Indian constitution say?

Article 74 of the Indian Constitution deals with the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister to aid and advise the President of India. This article outlines the essential framework for the functioning of the executive branch of the government.

Source: What are Cabinet committees, and why is the CCS the most important of them all? | Indian Express | First Post | Times of India