About Barda Wildlife Sanctuary
11:22 AM
1 min read

In a significant move that is expected to boost the long-term conservation of Asiatic lions, the Forest Department in Gujarat has started translocating spotted deer and sambars from Gir Forest to the Barda Wildlife Sanctuary.
About Barda Wildlife Sanctuary:
- It is located in the state of Gujarat.
- Rivers: There are two waterways, the Bileshvary River and the Joghri River, and two dams, Khambala and Fodara.
- Ethnic races such as Maldharis, Bharvads, Rabaris, and Gadhvis live in this region.
- To develop Barda as the second home for the Asiatic lion, the state government implemented the 'Gir-Barda Project' in 1979.
- Flora: It is characteristically abundant in floral diversity, which consists of a good number of medicinal plants.
- The sanctuary boasts about 650 plant species, which comprise Rayan, Babul, Ber, Jamun, Amli, Gorad, Bamboo, Dhav, Dhudhlo, etc
- Fauna: Leopard, Hyena, Wild boar, wolf, Jackal, blue bull, rare and endangered spotted eagle, crested hawk eagle, etc.

Key facts about Asiatic lions
- It is endemic to Gir landscape of Gujarat, the Asiatic Lion (Scientific name - Panthera leo persica) is one of five pantherine cats native to India.
- Conservation status
- IUCN Red List: Endangered
- The Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Schedule I
- CITES : Appendix I
Q1: What is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)?
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a global organization that works to protect nature and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. Founded in 1948, the IUCN is considered a global authority on the state of the natural world and the measures needed to protect it.