Brown bear


12:25 PM

1 min read
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The recent approval of the Romanian parliament for the culling of almost 500 brown bears to ‘control their overpopulation’ has drawn shock and disbelief from several animal lovers worldwide.

About Brown bear:

  • These are omnivorous, eating almost anything nutritious. Their diet changes with seasonal availability of different food sources.
  • Habitat: Brown bears occupy a variety of habitats, from desert edges to high mountain forests and ice fields.
  • Distribution: They are now found in extremely small numbers from western Europe and Palestine to eastern Siberia and the Himalayan region.
  • Ecosystem Roles: Brown bears are important predators and seed dispersers in the ecosystems in which they live.
  • Characteristics
    • These creatures can stand on two legs, walk on the sole of their feet and pick things with their hands like we humans do.
    • These bears are Europe’s biggest carnivore but are incredibly fast and run at a speed of 30 mph.
    • Romanian Bears communicate with their own kind through scratch marks left on the trees, smell and sound of each other.
    • Romania is home to more than 60% of the Brown Bears in Europe.
  • Conservation status
    • IUCN: Least concern
    • CITES: Appendix I

Q1: What Hibernation?

It is when an animal slows its heart rate to save energy and survive the winter without eating much. Some animals just slow down and move less frequently during hibernation, but others go into a deep sleep and don’t wake up till spring.

Source: ‘Put a scientific lens to Romania’s bear cull decision, not a sentimental one’: Rashid Naqash