Climate Services Report 2023


04:22 PM

1 min read
Climate Services Report 2023 Blog Image


Recently, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released Climate Services report 2023.

Key Findings of the Climate Services Report 2023

  • Less than 25 per cent of health ministries across the world utilise climate information and services to monitor health risks related to climate sensitivity.
  • It highlights health protection as a priority in almost all countries and identifies the need for high-quality information for better decision making.
  • While extreme heat causes the greatest mortality of all extreme weather, heat warning services are provided to health decision makers in only half of the affected countries;
  • Climate change mitigation leading to reducing air pollution can save lives; and
  • Investments to improve the capabilities of the health sector to safeguard the most vulnerable are insufficient.

Key facts about the World Meteorological Organization

  • It originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was founded in 1873.
  • It was established in 1950.
  • It is the specialized agency of the United Nations for meteorology(weather and climate), operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences.
  • Currently it has a membership of 187 countries.
  • Governance Structure:
    • Its supreme body is the World Meteorological Congress, which consists of representatives of all members.
    • It meets at least every four years to set general policy and adopt regulations.
    • A 36-member Executive Council meets annually and implements policy.
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.

Q1) What is Meteorology?

It is the scientific study of the Earth's atmosphere, including the processes that occur within it. Meteorologists, scientists who specialize in this field, examine and analyze various atmospheric phenomena to understand and predict weather patterns, climate, and the behavior of the atmosphere.

Source: Health sector poorly equipped to prevent heat hazards & impacts of other extreme weather events, says WMO report