International Cryosphere Climate Initiative


10:15 AM

1 min read
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The International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI) said that Venezuela’s only remaining glacier — the Humboldt, or La Corona, in the Andes had become "too small to be classed as a glacier.

About International Cryosphere Climate Initiative: 

  • It was formed in 2009 following COP-15 in the Copenhagen meeting.
  • It is a network of senior policy experts and researchers working with governments and organizations to create, shape and implement initiatives designed to preserve as much of the Earth’s cryosphere as possible.
  • Its programs target the unique climate dynamics at work in the cryosphere, while at the same time lending increased urgency to global climate efforts aimed at CO2 and other greenhouse gases by communicating the unexpected rapidity and global implications of cryosphere warming.
  • Its work focuses on three major areas of the cryosphere: the Arctic, the Antarctic and high mountain regions.

Key facts about Humboldt glacier of Venezuela

  • It is also known as La Coronaglacier and it is 4,900 metres above sea level. 
  • It was the only one left near the country's second-highest peak, Pico Humboldt.
  • The Humboldt glacier was projected to last at least another decade but latest assessments have found the glacier melted much faster than expected.

Q1: What is the Cryosphere?

It refers to any place on Earth where water is in its solid form, where low temperatures freeze water and turn it into ice. The frozen water can be in the form of solid ice or snow and occurs in many places around the Earth.

Source: How did Venezuela’s Humboldt glacier shrink to an ice field?