Jacaranda Bloom

1 min read
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The early onset bloom of jacaranda set off alarm bells among residents and scientists in Mexico City.

About Jacaranda Bloom

  • It’s also known by its synonym Jacaranda acutifolia.
  • It is a deciduous tree, Jacaranda mimosifolia comes from the Bignoniaceae family.
  • Blue jacaranda is native of Brazil and North West Argentina.
  • These are hardy trees that grow well in tropical climes, well-drained soil and plenty of sun to showcase their lavender touch.
  • They are widely grown in warm parts of the world and in greenhouses for their showy blue or violet flowers and attractive, oppositely paired, compound leaves. 
  • Uses: In Brazil, its wood is used to make guitars. It has no edible use, its bark and root has medicinal advantages.
  • It is also recommended as an alternative wood carving tree species, especially in Kenya.
  • Ecological significance: They attract more hummingbirds and bees than many native trees, so a change in flowering could lead to a decrease in these populations.
  • Concern: Some jacarandas began blooming in early January, when they normally awaken in spring.

Q1) What are Deciduous Forests?

A deciduous forest is a biome dominated by deciduous trees which lose their leaves seasonally. The Earth has temperate deciduous forests, and tropical and subtropical deciduous forests, also known as dry forests.

Source: Early jacaranda bloom sparks debate about climate change in Mexico