Kinnow Farming


09:39 AM

1 min read
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Kinnow growers in Punjab are apprehending losses this season as nearly half of the 13 lakh tonnes of the crop are yet to be harvested even as the season will end in less than two months.

About Kinnow Farming:

  • Kinnow / Mandarin, commonly pronounced as Kinoo or Kinu is a citrus fruit.
  • It is a largely cultivated fruit of North India, and Punjab holds the major share of Kinnow / Mandarin producing area of the country, with other states including Rajasthan, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, and Kashmir.
  • It is a hybrid of two varieties viz. Citrus nobilis and Citrus deliciosa.
  • It is commonly confused with Oranges, due to the similarity in their appearances, seasonal availability and nutritional benefits offered by both the fruits.
  • It comprises a high amount of juice content, making them ideal for extracting juice and pulp.
  • Climatic conditions

o Temperature: It can be grown successfully in a temperature range of 10-35°C.

o It has the ability to withstand soaring temperatures as high as 40°C during summer and 0°C during winter.

o Soil: Sites having well drained clay-loam soils with 6.0-7.5 pH are ideal for its cultivation.

o Rain: 300-400mm

Key facts about citrus fruit

  • Citrus originates in South East Asia.
  • It comprises Kinnow, Oranges, Lime and Lemon
  • In India, Citrus is the third largest fruit crop after Banana and Mango. Citrus fruits are an important source of Vitamin C.

Q1:What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is delivered to the body’s tissues but is not well stored, so it must be taken daily through food or supplements.

Source:No juicy returns for Punjab kinnow growers as prices drop