Key Facts about Pallikaranai Marshland
06:30 PM
1 min read

In a first, a bathymetric study is under way in and around Pallikaranai marshland to assess the volume of sludge that can be dredged to enhance the marsh’s water holding capacity and ecological functions.
About Pallikaranai Marshland:
- It is a freshwater marsh and partly saline wetland situated about 20 kilometres south of the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- It serves as an aquatic buffer of the flood-prone Chennai and Chengalpattu districts.
- It encompasses 65 wetlands, through two outlets, viz., Okkiyam Madavu and the Kovalam Creek, and falls into the Bay of Bengal.
- On its eastern periphery, the Marsh is flanked by the Buckingham Canal.
- Parts of the Marsh are well below the mean sea level and qualify as low-lying basins.
- It is one of the Ramsar sites in India.
- Fauna
- The diverse ecosystem of the marshland supports some 115 bird species, ten mammals, 21 reptiles, ten amphibians, 46 fish, nine molluscs, five crustaceans, and seven butterfly species.
- These include notable species such as Russell’s viper (Daboia siamensis) and birds such as the glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), grey-headed lapwings (Vanellus cinereus), and Pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus).
- Although tropical in bio-climate, the influence of the Bay of Bengal has been significant on the Marsh.
- Threats: It continues to face significant anthropogenic pressures, including encroachments and sewage discharge.

What is Bathymetric study?
- It involves measuring underwater topography, and is essential for developing comprehensive maps that can aid in determining the water storage capacity and flood patterns.
- It plays a critical role in wetland design, restoration, land use planning, and legal boundary determinations.
Q1: What are Wetlands?
Wetlands include areas like marshes, swamps, peatlands, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. They can be natural or artificial, and the water may be fresh, brackish, or salt, and can vary in its state (static or flowing). Wetlands also cover shallow marine waters with a depth not exceeding six meters at low tide.
Source: Bathymetric study underway in Pallikaranai marsh to improve ecological functions