Partial Stubble Burning


11:32 AM

1 min read
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This year many farmers are not burning the paddy stubble completely and are instead resorting to partial burning or burning only the loose straw.

About Partial Stubble Burning:

  • After harvesting, farmers opting for partial burning let the loose straw dry for a couple of days and then they set these dumps on fire to prepare the field for the next crop.
  • In such cases, the standing stubble, which is mostly green, does not get burnt fully but it gets scorched close to those places in the field where loose straw is burnt.
  • And in the case of air pollution, it will be around 40-50% less as they only burn around 50% to 60% of the total stubble in such cases.

Stubble management machines:

  • The state has distributed 1.05 lakh stubble management machines and a large number of individual farmers and groups of farmers have purchased these machines on subsidy.
  • Farmers who do not have these machines but want to manage the stubble, get these on rent from farmers groups and cooperative societies.
  • However, even after having three main machines such as Happy Seeder, Smart Seeder and Super seeder, many farmers are resorting to partial burning.
  • The three machines ensure that there is no need for partial burning even after harvesting as stubble clearing is not required to sow wheat.

Source : Indian Express