Sohagibarwa Wildlife Sanctuary
11:43 AM

Recently, the Chief minister of Uttar Pradesh directed officials to conduct archaeological excavation in the Sohagibarwa Wildlife Sanctuary.
About Sohagibarwa Wildlife Sanctuary:
- It is located in the Maharajganj district of Uttar Pradesh.
- It was declared as a Wildlife Sanctuary in June 1987.
- Borders: On the northern side, it shares the international boundary with Nepal, and on the eastern border is Bihar’s Valmiki Tiger Reserve.
- Vegetation: The vegetation of this area is of North Indian Moist Deciduous type.
- Rivers: It is drained by the great Gandak, the little Gandak, Pyas and Rohin rivers.

o It is almost flat with an average height of 100mtrs above mean sea level.
o The area gently slopes from North–West to South–East.
o The area of the Sanctuary is a vast alluvial plain. The underlying soil of the area consists of alluvial formation, showing a succession of beds of clay, silt and sands.
o Nearly 75% of the area consists of Sal forest, and other humid areas are covered with Jaamun, Gutal, Semal, KhairTrees, etc.
o Lower region of the sanctuary, which is water logged during rains, consists of Grasslands and patches of Cane forests.
o It is inhabited by a variety of animals which mainly includes Leopard, Tiger, Jungle Cat, Small Indian Civet, Langur, etc.
o The Avifauna is varied with Little Cormorant, Snake Bird, Brahimini Duck, Common Teal, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Paddy Bird etc.
Q1) What is deciduous forest?
A deciduous forest is a type of biome characterized by the prevalence of deciduous trees, which are trees that shed their leaves seasonally. These forests can be found in temperate regions around the world, including parts of North America, Europe, and Asia
Source:Yogi calls for archaeological excavation in Sohagibarwa Wildlife Sanctuary