Date of Commencement

20th April 2025




20 Weeks


Rs. 54,000 (Incl. GST)

Course Time

7:30 AM to 10:00 AM

About UPSC Public Administration Optional

When it comes to choosing an optional subject for the UPSC Civil Services Exam, public administration is a popular choice among candidates. The subject provides aspirants with a comprehensive understanding of administrative systems, governance, and public policy. Over the years, we have seen a large number of candidates opting for this subject, and there have also been many toppers who have chosen public administration as their option. In fact, in 2012, almost half of the successful candidates had public administration as their optional subject, which is a significant proportion.

Public Administration Paper 1 provides candidates with a theoretical understanding of administrative concepts, while Paper 2 focuses on their practical application in governance and public policy.

According to UPSC Annual Report 2021-22, Public Administration Optional had a success rate of 7.5%.  It is among the top five subjects with a high success rate in the UPSC examination. It is the only Optional Subject which overlaps with GS Paper-II, GS Paper-III & GS Paper-IV. 

Our Public Administration Optional Classes led by Amit Kumar, Veren Sharma and Vivek Kaushik Sir are designed to provide students with a comprehensive and strategic approach to exam preparation. We offer a structured classroom and LIVE-Online environment with a special emphasis on conceptual clarity and understanding of key theories and practices in public administration.

Our classes prioritize lucid explanation over mere dictation, ensuring that students develop a deep understanding of the subject matter and are equipped to handle any type of question that may arise in the exam. We provide concise, well-researched, and exam-ready study material on each and every topic, covering the syllabus comprehensively and in a timely manner.We focus on exploring the inter-linkages between different topics within the syllabus, providing students with a holistic understanding of public administration.

Check: Public Administration Optional Syllabus

Features of Public Administration Optional Subject Programme

  • Class Schedule: 2.5-hour sessions, 6 days a week.
  • Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage: Complete coverage of Optional Subject Paper I & II through detailed lectures.
  • Clarity in Concepts: Complex terms and concepts are explained in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.
  • Practical Examples: Everyday examples are used to ensure students not only grasp concepts but can also articulate and write effectively about them.
  • Answer Writing Practice: Integrated answer writing practice throughout the course duration.
  • Regular Class Tests: 3 Class tests followed by focused discussions and improvement suggestions.
  • Study Materials: Comprehensive handouts and notes with clear explanations and up-to-date information.
  • Accessibility: Classes are available in both Classroom and Live-Online formats, offering flexibility and convenience for all students.

Understanding Public Administration Optional Syllabus

Paper 1 of Public Administration delves into the theoretical and conceptual foundations of public administration, providing candidates with a solid grounding in fundamental principles. It covers topics such as:

  • Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline.
  • Administrative Thinkers: Contributions of classical and modern thinkers like Woodrow Wilson, Max Weber, Frederick Taylor, and Mary Parker Follett.
  • New Public Administration: Emergence and significance of new approaches and paradigms in public administration theory.
  • Administrative Behaviour: Individual and group dynamics, motivation, leadership, communication, and decision-making.
  • Organizational Structure: Theories of organization, forms of organization, and organizational design.
  • Accountability and Control: Mechanisms for ensuring transparency, accountability, and oversight in public administration.

Paper 2 of Public Administration shifts focus towards the practical aspects of governance, policy implementation, and public service delivery. It covers topics such as:

  • Development Administration: The role of bureaucracy in development, challenges of development administration in India, and strategies for effective implementation of development policies.
  • Planning and Economic Development: Role of planning in economic development, issues in planning processes, and challenges faced in achieving sustainable development goals.
  • Governance and Public Policy: Conceptual framework of governance, policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation, regulatory bodies, and citizen engagement in governance.
  • Indian Administration: Constitutional framework, central-state relations, civil services in India, and administrative reforms.
  • Personnel Administration: Recruitment, training, performance appraisal, and promotion policies in the civil services.

Public Administration is such a discipline which helps an individual to inculcate administrative skills & problem-solving attitude. A Civil Servant is an administrator responsible to perform multiple functions during his/her career such as policy execution, policy monitoring, policy formulation etc. which can be performed with ease by Public Administration students as they study Public Policy in their Syllabus. More than 95% of students who choose this Optional subject have not studied this discipline in graduation. Therefore, competition is fair when compared with other Optional Subjects.

Why Choose Public Administration as an Optional?

From the examination's point of view, Public Administration Optional will have the following benefits:

  • Its syllabus from the Indian Administration will cover a lot of concepts from GS Paper-II especially areas related to Polity, Constitution & Governance. It will be covering approximately 100 - 125 marks of this GS paper.
  • It will also help to get help in GS Paper - III especially areas related to Fiscal Policy &
    Monetary Policy along with the Planning process adopted in our country & policies of Social & Economic Development. It will cover approximately 40 - 50 marks of this GS paper.
  • It will also cover a minimum of 40% syllabus of GS Paper - IV in terms of Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude. A lot of topics from Pub ad have direct overlapping with GS Paper-IV. It will cover approximately 100-150 marks in GS paper-IV.
  • It will also help in the preliminary examination as it will cover the CSAT paper's decision-making questions.
  • In total, it will cover around 250-300 marks of GS. & weightage of optional is 500 marks. Therefore, in total it will cover 750-800 marks out of 1500 marks (GS + Optional).
  • A very interesting fact is that one topic related to pub ads is also asked in an Essay Paper with 250 marks.
  • The subject has the highest success ratio in the UPSC & State examinations.

How Public Administration Syllabus Benefits in GS Paper?

The syllabus of Public Administration overlaps significantly with topics in the GS papers, particularly GS Paper 2 (Polity, Governance, International Relations). This can help in comprehensive preparation and scoring well in both optional and GS papers.

Paper 01-Paper 02-
1. IntroductionNo Overlapping1. Evolution of Indian ADMNo Overlapping
2. Administrative ThoughtNo Overlapping2. Constitutional FrameworkPolity
3. Administrative BehaviorNo Overlapping3. Public Sector UndertakingsEconomics
4. OrganizationsPolity4. Union Government and ADMPolity
5. Accountability and ControlPolity & Ethics5. Plans and PrioritiesEconomics
6. Administrative LawPolity

6. State Government

and ADM

7. Comparative Public AdminNo Overlapping 

7. District


No Overlapping
8. Development DynamicsNo Overlapping 8. Civil ServicesEthics
9. Personnel AdministrationEthics

9. Financial


10. Public PolicyPolity10. Rural DevelopmentPolity

11. Techniques of Administrative



11. Urban Local


12. Financial AdministrationEconomics12. Law and OrderSecurity Issues
13. Significant issues in Indian AdministrationDisaster management
14. Administrative ReformsPolity


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