Pallavas of Kanchi

Pallavas rule began with Simhavishnu & gained prominence under Mahendravarman & Narasimhavarman I.

Pallavas of Kanchi
Table of Contents

Emergence of Pallavas of Kanchi

  • Simhavishnu defeated Kalabhras and inaugurated the rule of imperial Pallavas.
  • The Pallavas rose to power during the reign of Mahendravarman and Narasimhavarman-I. 
  • Throughout their reign, they were in constant conflict with the Chalukyas of Vatapi in the north and the Tamil kingdoms of Cholas and Pandya in the south.
  • Region: The Pallavas established their authority over south Andhra Pradesh and north Tamil Nadu, with the capital at Kanchi.
  • Kanchi: Under them became an important temple town and a centre of trade and commerce.

Pallavas of Kanchi – Rulers and their Contributions
Period: 575- 897 AD Capital: Kanchi
  • Pallavas are noted for their patronage of Hindu temple architecture.
  • By the time of Pallavas, south India was contested by the other two kingdoms of Chalukyas of Badami and Pandyas of Madurai.
Simhavishnu (575-590 AD)
  • The real founder of the Pallava dynasty.
  • Rise: Defeating Kalabhras inaugurated the rule of imperial Pallavas.
  • Royal Titles: Avanisimha (lion of the Earth) and Simhavishnupottarayan.
  • Bharavi: Court poet.
    • Wrote Kirat Arjuneeya (Duel between Siva and Arjuna).
Mahendravarman I

(600-630 AD)

  • Under him, the Pallavas became a major political power.
  • Titles: 
    • Mattavilasa-  Addicted to pleasures
    • Chitrakarapuli- Tiger among the painters
    • Lalitankura- Charming offspring
    • Gunabhara- Virtuous
    • Chattakari- Temple builder, and
    • Vichitrachitta- Curious-minded.
  • Battle of Pullalur, AD 618-19: Killed by Chalukyan King Pulakesin II.
Art, Architecture, and Literature under Mahendravarman I
  • Tamil literature: flourished under his rule
    • For example, Appar and Sambandhar wrote Tevaram.
  • Mattavilasa Prahasana (Sanskrit satire): Written by Mahendravarman I.
  • Mahendra Style: He added a new style to Dravidian architecture.
  • Bhagwatajjukam (Satire): Written by Bodhayan.
    • King Mahendravarman mentioned this on a stone inscription in Mamandur along with his own Mattavilas Prahasan.
  • Monuments at Mamallapuram: Those dedicated to Shiva were constructed under his rule.
Narsimhavarman I (630-668 AD)
  • He is considered the greatest Pallava ruler.
  • He took the title of Mamalla (great warrior).
  • Vatapikonda: He defeated and killed Chalukyan ruler Pulakesin II and destroyed the Chalukyan capital Vatapi. He took the title Vatapikonda (conqueror of Vatapi).
  • Mahabalipuram: It was a Port city founded by Narsimhavarman I.
  • Seven Ratha Temple under his reign.
  • Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas also suffered defeat at his hands.
  • Ceylon Invasion: He invaded Ceylon (Sri Lanka) twice to help Manavamma, an exiled Ceylonese prince who had come to him seeking his support in securing the throne of Ceylon.
  • Hsuen Tsang: The Chinese traveller visited Kanchipuram in 642 CE during his reign.
Narsimhaavarman II (Rajamalla) (695-722 AD)
  • Peaceful Reign: The reign of Narsimhaavarman II was peaceful as battles between Chalukyas and Pallavas came to a halt.
  • He sent embassies to China.
  • He is credited with the construction of Shore Temple and Kailashnath Temple.
Art and Architecture under Pallavas of Kanchi
  • Dravidian Style: Rock-cut architecture laid the foundation for the Dravidian style of architecture in south India. The Pallavas are credited with the introduction of this style.
  • Evolution: Pallava architecture progressively evolved from rock-cut temples to monolithic rathas, and finally, it gave way to structural temples.
  • The evolution of Pallava architecture can be divided into four different stages or styles, viz. Mahendra Style, Mamalla Style, Rajasimha Style, Nandivarman Style.
  • Influence of Pallava Architecture: It influenced Southeast Asian temple architecture.
Mahendravarman style of Architecture
  • The Pallava architecture began from the time of Mahendravarman I.
  • It did not use bricks, iron, lime, wood, etc.
  • Temples built in the Mahendravarman style of Architecture were termed ‘Mandapas’. These Mandapas were the pillared Varandas which consisted of Garbhagirha at the end.
  • Examples:
    • Rock-cut temples at Mahabalipuram.
    • Trimurti Mandapa of Mandaggapattu.
    • Panchapandava Mandapa of Pallvaram.
    • Mahendravishnu Mandapa of Mahendravadi.
    • Lalitankur Pallavaveshwar Griha Mandapa of Trichinapalli.
Mamalla style of Architecture 
  • Two styles of temples can be seen in the Mamalla style of architecture: Mandapas and Rathas.
  • The Mandapas are more ornamental, with pillars built on lions’ heads.
    • Examples: Varaha Mandapa, Mahisasur Mandapa, and Pancha Pandava Mandapa, etc.
  • The second component of the Mamalla style of architecture was the free-standing monolithic shrines called ‘Rathas’ (chariots) built of granites which were constructed alongside pillared halls.
    • Western architects call these rathas ‘Seven Pagodas’ or ‘Seven Rathas’ as they are seven in number.
  • Examples:
    • Draupadi Ratha.
    • Dharmaraja Ratha.
    • The Bhim Ratha
    • Ganesha Ratha.
Rajasimha style of Architecture
  • Rajasimha style of Architecture began under the reign of Narsimhavarman II.
  • Temples were built using bricks, wood, stones, etc. 
  • Examples:
    • Ishwariya temple.
    • Mukunda temple.
    • The Shore temple of Mahabalipuram.
    • The Kailasha temple of Kanchi.
    • Vaikunthaperumal temple.
Nandivarman style of Architecture 
  • Pallava architecture began to decline once the Rajasimha style of architecture declined.
  • The temples of this style were comparatively smaller in size, less ornamented, and lacked innovation.
  • Examples:
    • Mukteshawara temple
    • Matangeshwara temple of Kanchi.
Temples and Structures under Pallavas of Kanchi
Shore Temple (Mahabalipuram)
  • Architectural creations that were initiated by King Narasimhavarman II.
  • Called Seven Pagodas by Marco Polo and European Travellers.
  • Difference from Dharmaraja Ratha: It is a structural temple and not a rock-cut one. 
  • Built with blocks of granite.
  • The temple is a combination of three shrines. 
    • The main shrine is dedicated to Shiva, as is the smaller second shrine.
    • A small third shrine is dedicated to a reclining Vishnu.
  • Lion Monolith: 
    • Partly carved and partly sculpted lion.
    • A miniature image of Durga is sculpted on the back of the image, depicting Durga as Mahishasuramardini.
    • The open mouth of the lion is inferred as a representation of its role as the favourite lion.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The architecture of the Shore Temple was continued by the Cholas (in the temples they built), who ruled Tamil Nadu after defeating the Pallavas.
Kailashnath Temple (Kanchipuram)

(Along Vedavati River

  • It was Built by Narasimhavarman II shortly after the construction of Shore Temple in the 8th century A.D.
  • Kailashnath Temple is more extensive in dimensions as compared to the Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram..
  • It is situated in a rectangular courtyard surrounded by a peristyle compos, noncontinuous series of cells resembling rathas.
  • It is the biggest sandstone temple in the world.
  • The foundation of this temple is made of granite.
  • The main shrine (sanctum sanctorum) has 16-sided Shivalinga made in black granite. 
  • There are two sculptures of Shiva here, which are seen holding the alapini veena (musical string instrument).
  • Unique Feature: 58 devakulikas (mini-shrines) that run around the main temple.
    • Frescoes that portrayed scenes from the Sivalila and sculptures of Uma Mahesvara, Parvati, Ganapati, and Kartikeya, among others.
    • The inscriptions in Pallava grantha on the temple walls include the various titles of Narasimhavarman II, such as Rajasimhan, Ajiranakanta, Srithara, Ranathira, and Kshatriya Simhesvara.
Seven Ratha Temple

  • It was built under Narsimhavarman I.
  • It transitions between the earlier tradition of rock-carved cave temples and the later tradition of freestanding stone structures.
  • It attempted to imitate free-standing stone construction in the living rock.
  • The structural detailing of the Ratha temples carefully imitates wooden timber supports, pilasters, beams, and brackets.
Vaikunth Perumal Temple
  • It is the biggest sandstone temple built in the post-Rajasimha period.
  • It was built by Paramesvaravarman alias Nandivarman II (736-796 A.D.) and is dedicated to Vishnu.
  • Chaturasa tri-tala (three-storeyed square): Functional vimana to enshrine Vishnu in three forms, standing (sthanaka), sitting (asana), and reclining (sayana).
  • Alvars have praised the temple as Paramesvara Vinnagaram.
  • The most significant feature: Depiction of Nandivarman II ascending the throne.
  • There is a sculpture of a visiting Chinese pilgrim too.
The Descent of the Ganges (Mahabalipuram)

  • is also called “Arjuna’s Penance”.
  • It captures the story of the descent of river Ganga to earth.
  • The penance of the sage Bhagiratha, sometimes believed to be Arjuna, brought it to earth.
  • Shiva is shown controlling the fury of the descending river through his hair locks.
  • The panel is also shown in the Kailashnath temple at Kanchipuram.
Arts under Pallavas of Kanchi
  • The Pallava kings also patronised fine arts.
  • The Kudumianmalai and Thirumayam music inscriptions show their interest in music.
  • Musical instruments: Yaazhi, Mridhangam, and Murasu were some of the musical instruments.
  • Both Mahendravarman I and Narasimhavarman I were music experts.
  • The temple sculptures of the Pallava period reveal that the art of dance was popular in those days.
  • The paintings at Chittannavasal illustrate the nature of Pallava painting.
  • Mahendravarman was known as Chittirakkarapuli. 
Literature Under Pallavas of Kanchi
  • Nature: The literature during the period of the Pallavas was both religious and secular but primarily religious.
  • Language: Both Sanskrit and Tamil literature flourished during this time.
    • The court of the Pallava rulers granted royal patronage to Sanskrit literature.
    • Mahendravarman I was the author of Mattavilasa Prahasanam, a satirical play in Sanskrit, and Bhagavadajjuka.
  • Impetus: Tamil literature received an impetus with the growth of the Bhakti movement.
  • Dandin:  Adorned the court of the Pallava king Narsimhavarman II. He wrote Dashakumaracharita and Avantisundarikatha in Sanskrit.
  • Kanchipuram: It was an important center of Sanskrit learning. Mayur Sarman, the founder of the Kadamba dynasty, studied the Vedas at Kanchipuram.
  • The Alvar and the Nayanmar: The devotional compositions enriched the Bhakti and Tamil literature because these were written in Tamil, expressing the philosophy of Bhakti.
  • Nalariya Divya Prabandham: The most significant work of the Vaishnavite saints. It consisted of 4,000 Tamil verses and was written by 12 Alvars.
    • It is also known as the Dravida Veda or the Fifth Veda.
  • Tirumurai: It was regarded as the major Shaivite canonical text. It has 12 books. The 1st seven are called Tevaram, written by the three important Nayanmar saints- Sundarar, Sambandar and Appar.

Administration under Pallavas of Kanchi

  • Monarchy: Under Pallavas, the monarchy was the order of the day. The title “Dharma-Maharaja” was assumed by the kings.
  • Division: The Pallava state was divided into Kottams. The Kottam was administered by officers appointed by the king.
  • Village Administration (basic administration unit): The village administration was run by various local autonomous assemblies. Sabha, Urar, etc., were the most popular assemblies of this period.
    • Every village had got a court of justice, viz. Dharamasasana.
  • Miniature Republics: Every village had professional servants like potters, weavers, carpenters, smiths, etc. It appears that the village acted like self-sufficient miniature republics in the Pallava period.
  • Local Autonomy: Administration by local autonomous institutions appears to be a significant feature of the Pallava polity.

Society and Religion under Pallavas of Kanchi

  • Buddhism and JainismBoth were still very active in the Pallava kingdom.
  • Most of the Pallava kings were followers of both Vaishnavism and Saivism.
  • Followers of Veda: The Pallava kings assumed not only the title “Dharma-Maharaja‟ and performed Vedic sacrifices. Thus Buddhism and Jainism lost royal patronage and mass support.
  • Bhakti Movement: From the 7th century onwards, the Nayanars and Alvars contributed to the growth of Saivism and Vaishnavism. This is known as the ‘Bhakti Movement’.
  • Adi Shankaracharya: The Vedic tradition was further reinforced by a movement started by Adi Sankaracharya. He advocated the Advaita philosophy.

Economy under Pallavas of Kanchi

  • Major Source of Income: Land revenue was the primary source of income.
  • Taxes: The Pallavas also levied taxes on professions, marriages, manufacture of salt, sugar, and textiles, draught cattle, etc.
  • Agriculture: It is evident from the testimony of Hsuen Tsang that the people were very hard working and the soil was very fertile, the labourers who did agricultural work were paid in kind.
  • Land Grants: The creation of the Brahmadeya villages started during the Pallava period.
  • Trade and Commerce: The barter system of trade was generally prevalent. Later, the Pallavas issued gold and silver coins, which resulted in the expansion of commerce.
    • The merchants had also formed their own organisations called Manigramam.
  • Eripatti (Tank Lands): These were the lands donated by individuals, the revenue from which was set apart for the maintenance of the village tank.

Decline of Pallavas of Kanchi

  • After Narsimhavarman, the Pallava dynasty started to decline.
  • The Chalukyan army invaded the Pallava Kingdom and plundered the capital Kanchipuram.
  • Their continuous wars with Chalukyas and Pandyas made them weak.
  • With the defeat of Aparajitavarman, the last King of the Pallava dynasty, by the Chola king, the Pallavas declined.
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Q2. Who were Alvars and Nayanars?+

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