“Corruption is the manifestation of the failure of core values in the society.” In your opinion what measures can be adopted to uplift the core values in the society?


05:23 AM

The question “Corruption is the manifestation of the failure of core values in the society.” In your opinion what measures can be adopted to uplift the core values in the society?" was asked in the Mains 2023 GS Paper 4. Let us look at the model answer to this question.

Answer: Corruption refers to the act of misuse and abuse of power especially by those in the government for personal gains either pecuniary or a favour. It promotes illegality, unethicality, subjectivity, inequity, injustice, waste, inefficiency and inconsistency in administrative conduct and behaviour.

Corruption as a manifestation of failure of the core values of society

  • Erosion of Honesty and Trust: As societal integrity wanes, honesty—a once-celebrated virtue—is overshadowed, leading to rampant corruption. This is further exacerbated by the diminishing trust that was the bedrock of older societies.
    • Ex: Modern societies often rely more on contractual obligations than a person's word.
  • Shift in Values and Empathy: The emphasis on personal gains and economic aspirations has sidelined social consciousness and empathy. This self-centered approach paves the way for corrupt practices.
    • Ex: Community welfare projects are often overlooked in favor of personal enrichment schemes.
  • Lifestyle and Materialism: The move towards individualism, coupled with growing materialistic desires, encourages unethical shortcuts to achieve a luxurious life, sacrificing core societal values.
    • Ex: Bypassing regulations for personal luxury projects is becoming commonplace.
  • Education and Societal Role Models: The current educational system, especially in areas like India, often fails to instill values like empathy, integrity, and equity. When young generations see corruption as a societal norm, they're more likely to perpetuate it.
    • Ex: Instead of role models championing integrity, youth often see successful figures benefiting from corruption.

Measures needed to uplift the core values of society

  • Promote Social Engagement: Encouraging interactions within the community fosters trust, empathy, and respect, paving the way for a united and equitable society.
    • Ex: Community events or forums help bridge cultural and generational gaps.
  • Emphasize Moral Education: Foundations of ethics should be laid both at home and in schools, as they are primary avenues of socialization. Teaching respect for all, regardless of caste, religion, or gender, and instilling values like honesty and empathy is crucial.
    • Ex: The New Education Policy, 2020 in India underscores the significance of moral lessons.
  • Address Socio-economic Inequality: Tackling disparities in society can reaffirm values like unity and integrity.
    • Ex: Community-driven initiatives can help uplift economically disadvantaged regions.
  • Champion Societal Values over Personal Greed: Instead of prioritizing personal gains, values like fraternity, trust, and communal well-being should be celebrated.
    • Ex: Public campaigns can highlight the benefits of collective welfare over individual gains.
  • Create Inclusive Platforms: Offer spaces where individuals can openly share their experiences and challenges, fostering mutual understanding and acceptance.
    • Ex: Storytelling sessions can illuminate diverse life experiences, promoting empathy.
  • Strengthen Community Leaders: Empower leaders who embody and champion societal values, serving as role models for the community.
    • Ex: Training programs can prepare local leaders to drive value-based initiatives.

An integrated society is able to raise its voice against unethical practices like corruption. Hence giving voice to the voiceless in every society is always helpful to avoid such practices at local society as well as at a large national society level.