UPSC Prelims 2022 Question:
Which one of the following best describes the term “greenwashing”?
a) Conveying a false impression that a company’s products are eco-friendly and environmentally sound
b) Non-inclusion of ecological/environmental costs in the Annual Financial Statements of a country
c) Ignoring the disastrous ecological consequences while undertaking infrastructure development
d) Making mandatory provisions for environmental costs in a government project/programme
Correct Answer: Option a) Conveying a false impression that a company’s products are eco-friendly and environmentally sound
Learn more about greenwashing in the given explanation below.
- Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company's products are more environmentally sound.
- Greenwashing is considered an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company's products are environmentally friendly.
- In addition, greenwashing may occur when a company attempts to emphasize sustainable aspects of a product to overshadow the company’s involvement in environmentally damaging practices.
- Companies can also greenwash initiatives with vague claims that don't provide real data or scientific validation for the claims.
- For example, a car vendor claims that a vehicle is eco-friendly because it is more fuel-efficient, while failing to mention or consider the larger industrial impact of vehicle manufacturing on the environment.
Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer.
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