06:30 PM
Ancient History Notes for UPSC
Prelims: History of India
Mains: Indian Culture - Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times
The Mesolithic, also known as the Middle Stone Age, was a prehistoric periodthat fell between the Neolithic (New Stone Age) and Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age), which were distinguished by their polished stone tools and chipped stone tools, respectively. This period, which in India lasted from around 10,000 to 4,000 B.C., is distinguished by the emergence of microliths, which are tiny stone tools with blades.
Around 10,000 years ago, the Pleistocene geological era gave way to the Holocene, giving way to the Mesolithic Age. During this transition, many environmental changes occurred, and specific climate profiles exist for some subcontinent regions. Microliths are extremely small tools that people began to make and use, according to prehistorians. This Mesolithic Age of the Prehistoric Period ended with the introduction of agriculture (beginning of the Neolithic Age).
In India, Mesolithic cultures started around 10,000 BCE. In some parts of India, such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Mesolithic culture continued up to 1000 BCE, until the beginning of the Iron Age. Barring the Northeast, Mesolithic sites are found throughout India.
Question 1: Mesolithic rock-cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a fine aesthetic sense comparable to modern painting. Critically evaluate this comment. (UPSC Mains 2015)
Q1. What is the Mesolithic Age?
Ans. The Middle Stone Age is known as the Mesolithic Age. It is the time frame that comes before the Neolithic Age (New Stone Age) and after the Palaeolithic Age (Old Stone Age). The period of time before people started smelting metals like copper is known as the "stone age."
Q2. What are microliths?
Ans. Continuing from the Upper Palaeolithic period, microliths were small tools with a limit of 3 cm in length. The technique to make microliths was punch and pressure on the harder materials like agate, chalcedony, flint carnelian, etc. Microliths were of both geometric and non-geometric shapes.
Q3. What were the tools used in the Mesolithic Age?
Ans. The variety of stone tools that people used during the Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) is demonstrated by the collection of flints. A flint core, end scrapers, burin, blades, microliths, and blades are among the tools used in the Mesolithic period.
Q4. Which technology was used during the Mesolithic era?
Ans. Many harpoons, arrows, and fish hooks were fashioned from composite tools consisting of bone, antler, and wood mixed with stone. Fish weirs, purposeful traps set in streams, were built first, followed by nets and seines for fishing and small game trapping.
Q5. What are the Mesolithic sites in India?
Ans. Rock shelters in Mirzapur were the first excavated Mesolithic sites. Major excavated sites in India are Tilwara, Bagor, and Ganeshwar in Rajasthan, Patne, Pachad, Hatkhamba in Maharashtra, Pachmarhi, Adamgarh, Putli Karar, Bhimbetka, Baghor II, Baghor III, Ghaghariain Madhya Pradesh and Birbhanpur in West Bengal.
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