Political History of Northern India
After the death of Asoka, his successors were not able to keep the vast Mauryan Empire intact. The subsequent rulers were relatively weak and lacked the same level of administrative and military capabilities as their predecessors.
- The provinces started declaring their independence.
- The northwest India slipped out of the control of the Mauryas, and a series of foreign invasions affected this region.
- Kalinga declared its independence, and the Satavahanas established their independent rule further south.
- The religious policy of the Mauryas angered the Shungas, who were staunch followers of Brahmanism.
- Thus, Mauryan rule was confined to the Gangetic Valley, and it was soon replaced by the Sunga dynasty.
Shunga Dynasty
Map:Shunga Dynasty
Shunga Dynasty | ||
Period: 185 BC – 73 BC | Capital: Pataliputra and Vidisha | |
Pushyamitra Shunga
(185 – 149 BCE) |
(149 – 141 BC) |
Other Rulers |
Administration of Shungas | ||
Contribution of Shungas to Art, Architecture and Literature | ||
Bharhut Stupa (place)
Sanchi Stupa (Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh)
Heliodorus Pillar (near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh)
Kanva Dynasty
Map: Kanva Dynasty
Kanva Dynasty | |
Period: 73 BC-28 BC | Capital: Pataliputra and Vidisha |
Chedi Dynasty
Chedi Dynasty | ||
Period: 1st century BCE | Capital: Suktimati-Puri | |
King Kharvela |
Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves (Odisha)
Post Mauryan Art and Architecture
- The art of this period started reflecting the changing socio-political scenario as well. The architecture in the form of rock-cut caves and stupas continued, with each dynasty introducing some unique features of their own.
- Similarly, different schools of sculpture emerged, and the art of sculpture reached its climax in the post-Mauryan period.
- Development of Stupas: Stupas are Buddhist commemorative monuments usually housing sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons.
- Three prominent stupas of this period are at Bharhut and Sanchi(both in M.P), which were originally built by Ashoka but enlarged later, and Amravati and Nagarjunkonda (both in Andhra Pradesh).
- Stupas became larger and more decorative in the post-Mauryan period. Stone was increasingly used in place of wood and brick.
- The Shunga dynasty introduced the idea of torans as beautifully decorated gateways to the stupas.
- Early Temples Architecture:
- During this time, Brahmanical temples and images of gods began to be built.
- Myths mentioned in the Puranas became part of narrative representation of the Brahmanical religion.
- Temples were decorated with the images of gods. Each temple had an image of a Chief Deity. These temples are simple structures consisting of a veranda, a hall and a shrine at the rear.
- Important temple sites of this period: Deogarh in Uttar Pradesh, Eran, Nachna-Kuthara and Udayagiri near Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh.
- The shrines of the temples were of three kinds:
- Sandhara type (without pradikshinapatha),
- Nirandhara type (with pradakshina patha)
- Sarvatobhadra (which can be accessed from all sides).
Religion and society
- Rise of Brahmanism: People in the post-Mauryan period practised Vedic religion, Buddhism, and Jainism. However, under Shunga’s rule, there was a revival of Brahmanism. There was an increase in rituals such as Ashwamedha and Rajasuya.
- Stories of Pushyamitra’s brutality and hostility against Buddhism are described in the Divyavadana.
- Varna system: The four-fold varna system also revived during the post-Mauryan period. Thus, the social structure became rigid as the fourfold varna system was more strengthened. The dominance of priests and the ruling class was strengthened, while the conditions of Shudras remained unchanged.
- Position of women: Women’s position in society was generally limited to domestic roles, and they were expected to follow strict codes of conduct as mentioned in the Manusmriti.
- Cultural expanse: It was the period of the emergence of various mixed castes and the integration of foreigners into Indian society.
Post-Mauryan Language and Literature
- Sanskrit became more popular during this period it was used to write Buddhist texts of this period.
- Patanjali: His important works include: Yoga Sutras (a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga), Mahabhasya (an ancient treatise on Sanskrit grammar and linguistics) and Patanjali Tantra (medical text).
- The Sanskrit language was written using the variant version of Brahmi script. It is believed that the writing serves as a link between the Kalinga Brahmi script and the Maurya script.
Development of trade and commerce
- Craft and commerce: Jyestha was the head of the guild of artisans. Mathura was a major centre for the production of a special type of cloth known as shataka.
- Merchant class: During this period, trade flourished and resulted in the rise of many types of merchant guilds.
- Shreshti was the headman of the merchant guild (shreni), while Sarthavaha was the leader of sartha (mobile or caravan trading corporation). Vanijgramo was the head of the corporation of merchants.
- Trade routes: Uttarapatha was the internal trade land route connecting northern and eastern parts of India with the northwestern areas.
- Dakshinapatha was the trade land route connecting peninsular India with the western and northern parts of India.
- Discovery of monsoon: Discovery of monsoon led to the development of external trade.
- Export of spices to the Romans and import of gold and silver from Romans was common.
- Satavahanas: After the decline of the Kanavas, the Satavahanas rose to power.
- Foreign invasions: Around the same time, 200 BCE, there were invasions from Central Asia and western China. Among these were the Indo-Greeks, Scythians or Shakas, Parthians or Pahlavas, and Kushanas.
- These invasions not only altered the political structure of northwestern India but also contributed to the transmission and transformation of cultural elements from both India and the Central Asian region.
Last updated on Feb, 2025
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