09:13 AM
Prelims: General Science
Mains: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, Nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are weapons that can cause massive destruction and loss of human life on a large scale. They have been a major concern in global security and international relations since the Second World War. The development and potential use of nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological weapons that comprise WMDs, by states, has posed one of the gravest threats to humanity. Their immense destructive potential differentiates them from conventional arms. There have been numerous efforts to limit their development and use.
Weapons of Mass Destruction are commonly divided into four main categories using the CBRN acronym - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear weapons. They share the ability to inflict harm and cause disruption on a very large scale through the release of toxic agents. However, important technical differences exist between them.
Chemical weapons employ the toxic properties of certain chemicals to inflict bodily harm, injuries and even death. Some examples of chemical warfare agents are:
Also known as germ weapons, biological weapons use microorganisms like bacteria, viruses or fungi or the toxins released by these microbes as warfare agents to infect and incapacitate people. Many diseases like anthrax, smallpox, plague, botulism, etc. have been used as bioweapons in history. Salient features are:
Biological weapons can potentially decimate entire populations through epidemics and are difficult to control and involve handling hazardous live agents.
Also termed as radiological dispersion devices (RDDs) or 'dirty bombs', they aim to spread radioactive material through conventional explosives. Salient aspects are:
Nuclear weapons involve extremely high energy release through nuclear fission and/or fusion reactions. They are the most destructive type of WMDs, capable of levelling entire cities. Salient aspects are:
The massive destructive capacity of nuclear weapons makes them the most fearsome type of WMDs.
India's positions regarding the different categories of Weapons of Mass Destruction under a doctrine of credible minimum deterrence are:
The dangers posed by weapons of mass destruction have led to many international treaties and efforts to control, reduce and eliminate various categories of WMDs:
Framework | Key Aspects | Limitations |
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) | - Aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology, promote peaceful uses, and work towards disarmament. | - Limited membership, discriminatory regime as per critics by only allowing 5 nations to possess nuclear weapons |
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) | - Bans all nuclear test explosions aiding non-proliferation by restricting weapons development. | - Yet to legally come into force pending ratification by key nations like the USA, China, and India |
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) | - Bans chemical weapons through inspections and requires stockpile destruction by member states. | - Reports of clandestine chemical weapons use persist in conflict zones highlighting verification gaps |
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) | - Bans biological weapons but lacks verification provisions due to technical constraints. | - Failed negotiations to add verification protocol, augmenting capacities vital |
UN Security Council Resolution 1540 | - Requires nations to adopt laws preventing non-state actor WMD access including via export controls, and border security. | - Implementation remains uneven globally |
Proliferation Security Initiative | - Voluntary partnership to cooperatively interdict WMD trafficking and delivery systems. | - Further expanding membership and operational cooperation is desirable |
Nuclear Suppliers Group | - Informal alliance regulating nuclear exports among member states through guidelines. | - India seeks entry to overcome barriers to civil nuclear commerce. |
International Atomic Energy Agency | - Promotes peaceful nuclear energy under safeguards and verifies non-proliferation commitments. | - But authority lacks universalisation with nations like India remaining outside full-scope safeguards. |
Export Control Regimes | - Regimes like the Missile Technology Control Regime, Wassenaar Arrangement, and Australia Group establish export controls on sensitive WMD-related materials and technologies. | - Vital to strengthening non-proliferation architecture |
The pursuit, possession, and potential use of weapons of mass destruction raises multiple concerns that necessitate constructive solutions.
Question 1:Which one of the following statements best reflects the idea behind the "Fractional Orbital Bombardment System" often talked about in the media? (UPSC Prelims 2022)
(a) A hypersonic missile is launched into space to counter the asteroid approaching the Earth and explode it in space.
(b) A spacecraft lands on another planet, after making several orbital motions.
(c) A missile is put into a stable orbit around the Earth and deorbits over a target on the Earth.
(d) A spacecraft moves along a comet at the same speed and places a probe on its surface.
Answer: (c)
Weapons of mass destruction refer to weapons that can cause massive destruction to human life and infrastructure on a large scale. The main types are nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological weapons.
The United States was the first country to develop nuclear weapon capabilities, testing its first nuclear device in 1945 under the Manhattan Project. The Soviet Union successfully tested its first nuclear weapon in 1949.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) based in Vienna is the international organization that monitors the nuclear programs of member states to detect potential diversion for weapons purposes. It uses on-site inspections and monitoring technologies.
A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersal device used to spread radioactive material through conventional explosives. Though not as destructive as a nuclear blast, it can still cause radioactive contamination and panic. Radiological weapons are a type of WMD.
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