Legal Metrology


10:26 AM

1 min read
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What’s in today’s article?

  • Why in news?
  • What is legal metrology?
  • Legal Metrology in India
  • News Summary: India can now issue OIML certificates
  • What is the OIML?
  • What is the OIML certificate?
  • India issuing the OIML certificates – Benefits

Why in news?

  • As per the Union Consumer Affairs Secretary, India has become an OIML certificate-issuing authority.
  • With the addition of India, the number of countries authorised to issue OIML certificates has increased to 13.
  • OIML stands for the International Organization of Legal Metrology, also known as Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale in French.

What is Legal Metrology?

  • Legal metrology is a branch of metrology (the science of measurement) that deals with the regulation and standardization of measurements and measuring instruments.
  • It ensures accuracy, fairness, and consumer protection in various commercial and industrial activities.
  • The objective of legal metrology is to ensure public security and accuracy in weighments and measurements.

Legal Metrology in India

  • In India, Legal Metrology is regulated by the Legal Metrology Act, 2009.
  • Under this act, govt hadframed various rules such as:
    • The Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011; 
    • Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011;
    • The Legal Metrology (Approval of Models) Rules, 2011 etc.
  • The main aim of these Rules is to ensure that a public guarantee is being provided for the terms of determining the security and accuracy of Weighments and Measurements.
    • Establishment of standards of weight and measure is included in Union List (entry 50).
    • Enforcement of laws with respect to weights and measures (legal metrology) is mentioned in Concurrent list (entry 33A).

News Summary: India can now issue OIML certificates

  • The Legal Metrology Division, Department of Consumer Affairs, Govt of India is now authorised to issue OIML certificates.

What is the OIML?


  • It is an intergovernmental organization that was founded in 1955 and is headquartered in Paris, France.
  • The primary goal of OIML is to promote and harmonize legal metrology worldwide.
  • OIML has over 60 member countries, and it plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and uniformity of measurements worldwide, which is essential for fair trade, consumer protection, and public safety.
  • Its work covers various areas, including weights and measures, laboratory testing, measuring instruments, and more.


  • OIML develops model regulations, standards and related documents for use by legal metrology authorities and industry.
  • It plays a crucial role in harmonising national laws and regulations on performance of measuring instruments like clinical thermometers, alcohol breath analysers, etc.

India and OIML:

  • India became a member of the OIML in 1956. In the same year, India signed the metric convention.

What is the OIML certificate?

  • The OIML certificate is a document that verifies that a measuring instrument has passed the necessary tests to meet the requirements of the OIML recommendations.
  • The OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) is a system for issuing, registering, and using OIML certificates. 
  • The OIML-CS aims to harmonize the work of national and regional bodies that are responsible for type evaluation and approval of measuring instruments.

India issuing the OIML certificates – Benefits

  • The move is expected to help the Indian economy in several ways, including increase in exports, earning of foreign exchange, and generation of employment.
  • Since only 13 countries are authorised, neighbouring countries and manufacturers can come to India to get their certification done.
  • Hence, it will be a revenue earner for us in terms of foreign exchange.
  • Besides, it will help in reducing redundancy and saving resources.

Q1) What is Legal Metrology Act, 2009?

The Legal Metrology Act of 2009 was enacted in India to establish and enforce standards for weights and measures. The act regulates trade and commerce in weights, measures, and other goods that are sold or distributed by weight, measure, or number. The act also aims to rationalize the Indian Metric system.

Q2) What is OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)?

The OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) is a voluntary system for issuing, registering, and using OIML certificates and their associated OIML type evaluation/test reports for measuring instruments. The OIML-CS is based on the requirements of OIML Recommendations. The OIML stands for International Organization of Legal Metrology.
