Hmar Community
01:36 PM
1 min read

Hmar Inpui, the apex tribal body of the Hmar community, recently asked the Centre to expedite the processes of resolving the demands of the tribal communities in the form of separate administration for the Kuki/Hmar/Zomi.
About Hmar Community
- Hmar tribe, also called Mhar or Mar, are the dwellers of the North Eastern Part of India.
- They inhibit the northeastern states of Manipur, Assam, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Tripura.
- The Hmars belong to the Chin-Kuki-Mizo group of tribes and are recognised as Scheduled Tribe under the Constitution of India.
- Origin:
- Hmar Tribes claim their origin from the Singlung, which is located in central or south-west China.
- The ancestors of Hmar belong to the Chinese dynasty. They are found in the Rippaimukh area, Jiribam and Khuga areas and Churachandpur area of Manipur.
- Hmar tribes mostly reside in the southern area of Manipur, especially in the districts of Churachandpur and its neighbouring regions.
- Clans:
- The Hmar society is based on clan system.
- Each clan had a dialect of its own, though nowadays a common dialect used by the Hmar People was developed by Christian missionaries.
- The chief of the village council is called "Lal". Everybody follows his leadership and directive.
- Society:
- The society is patrilineal and patriarchal in nature.
- Father is the head of the family. Joint family is common among them.
- The clan is not exogamous in Hmar society.
- They practice both inter-clean and intra-clan marriage.
- Hmars built their villages on hill -tops & houses are constructed on wooden planks.
- Economic Life:
- The Hmar tribes depend on forest products.
- Shifting cultivation is the main and traditional occupation and blacksmith, carpentry, poultry, basketry, priesthood, herbal medicine are subsidiary occupation.

Q1) What are Scheduled Tribes?
Scheduled Tribes (STs) are indigenous or tribal communities in India that are recognized by the government as historically marginalized and disadvantaged groups. These communities are referred to as "Scheduled Tribes" because they are listed in the Schedule of the Indian Constitution, which provides special provisions and safeguards for their social, economic, and political welfare.
Source: Manipur: Apex body of Hmar tribes supports United Naga Council’s rally