Jute Packaging Act, 1987

1 min read
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Recently, the Government of India approved Reservation norms for the mandatory use of jute in the packaging of rice, wheat and sugar for the Year 2022-23

About Jute Packaging Act, 1987:

  • The reservation norms unde JPM Act provide for direct employment to 3.70 lakh workers and protect the interest of approximately 40 lakh farm families in the jute sector. 
  •  It protects the interest of Jute farmers, workers and persons engaged in jute goods’ production
  • The Mandatory norms for full reservation for packaging of food grains and 20% reservation for packaging of sugar in jute bags will be a big boost for West Bengal.

Key facts about Jute

  • Jute is one of the most important natural fibres after cotton in terms of cultivation and usage

 Climatic conditions required for its growth

  1. Temperature: Between 25-35°C
  2. Rainfall: Around 150-250 cm
  3. Soil Type: Well-drained alluvial soil.
  • India is the largest producer of jute followed by Bangladesh and China.
  • It is mainly grown in eastern India because of the rich alluvial soil of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta.
  • In India, major jute-producing states include West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Tripura.


 Q1) What is Jute SMART?

It is an e-government initiative which was launched in December 2016 to promote transparency in the jute sector which provides an integrated platform for procurement of sacking by Government agencies

Source:Reservation norms for Jute Packaging Materials for Jute Year 2022-23 under JPM Act, 1987