Kumittipathi Rock Paintings

1 min read
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Miscreants have caused damage to the rock art paintings at the cave at Kumittipathi, a village near Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

About Kumittipathi Rock Paintings:

  • These paintings are believed to be around 3,000 years old and are among the important rock arts in the Kongu region.
  • Theme: The paintings depict an elephant, ther (chariot, some say it is a peacock), and the lives of early dwellers of the region.
  • There are small pits and holes in the cave, which are believed to have been used to store water and other belongings.
  • Material used: They used an inorganic white pigment, along with natural gum to paint the figures.
  • While most of the rock painting sites in Tamil Nadu are found on rock shelters, those at Kumittipathi are drawn inside a cave.

Q1:What are geoglyphs?

Geoglyphs are a form of prehistoric rock art, created on the surface of laterite plateaus. They are made by removing a part of the rock surface through an incision, picking, carving or abrading.

Source: The rock paintings at Kumittipathi testify to prehistoric Kongu region