Mission Vatsalya


01:01 PM

1 min read
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NIPCCD organized a Refresher Training Programme on Mission Vatsalya from 29- 31 May, 2023 at NIPCCD Regional Centre, Mohali.

About Mission Vatsalya:

  • Mission Vatsalya Scheme is a roadmap to achieve development and child protection priorities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • It lays emphasis on child rights, advocacy and awareness along with strengthening of the juvenile justice care and protection system with the motto to 'leave no child behind'.


  • The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 provisions and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 form the basic framework for implementation of the Mission.
  • Components under Mission Vatsalya: It include:
    • Improve functioning of statutory bodies;
    • Strengthen service delivery structures;
    • Upscale institutional care/services;
    • Encourage non-institutional community-based care; 
    • emergency outreach services;
    • Training and capacity building.
  • The Scheme is implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme since 2021-22.
  • Nodal Ministry: The Ministry of Women and Child Development. 

About National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD):

  • It is an autonomous organisation with its Headquarters in New Delhi.
  • It functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
  • The objectives of the Institute are:
  • To develop and promote voluntary action in social development.
  • To take a comprehensive view of child development and develop and promote programmes in pursuance of the National Policy for Children.
  • To develop measures for coordination of governmental and voluntary action in social development.
  • To evolve a framework and perspective for organising children's programmes through governmental and voluntary efforts


Q1) What are Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are a set of 17 interconnected goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The SDGs aim to address various social, economic, and environmental challenges and provide a blueprint for achieving a more sustainable and equitable world by the year 2030.

Source: NIPCCD organizes a Refresher Training Programme on Mission Vatsalya at NIPCCD Regional Centre, Mohali.