Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary

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A male tiger was recently found dead inside the Ratapani Sanctuary.

 About Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Location
    • It stretches across 823 sq. km in the Raisen and Sehore districts of Madhya Pradesh.
    • This rocky forest with aquatic environment is spread on Vindhya hills.
    • It runs parallel on the northern side of Narmada River. Kolar River forms the western boundary of the Sanctuary. 
    • The sanctuary was first notified in 1976 and then extended in 1983. In the year 2008, it was declared as a Tiger Reserve. 
    • The Sanctuary has Bhimbetika "a group of rock shelters and rock paintings" which is one of the '' World Heritage Site '' declared by UNESCO.
    • Landscape: It is rugged with hills, valleys, plateaus, and plains.
  • Flora
    • The forest of this Sanctuary is of dry deciduous and moist deciduous types. 
    • About 55% of the area is covered by teak.The remaining mixed forests consist of various dry deciduous species.
  • Fauna
    • The regal striped cat is the apex predator and estimates suggest that 40 tigers roam these forests
    • Chinkara' an endangered species, is also found in the Sanctuary. 
    • It is also home to animals like Panther, Hyena, Jackal, Indian Fox, Wild Dog, Jungle Cat, Small Indian Civet, Blue Bull, Chinkara, Black Buck, Chausingha, Spotted Deer, Barking Deer etc.


Q1) What is a Wildlife Sanctuary?

Wildlife sanctuaries are those areas where animals and plants are well-protected from external disturbances. These sanctuaries call for the complete prohibition of capturing or poaching animal habitats. Their goal is to establish a comfortable environment for the animals inhabiting the area.

Source: Tiger found dead in Madhya Pradesh's Ratapani sanctuary