Mauryan art is divided into two types, which are Court art and Popular art
Court art: These art forms exemplify or illustrate a royal court’s elegant tastes or customs. These are often opposed to folk art.
Popular art: It is an art form intended to be received and appreciated by ordinary people. Examples being any dance, literature, music, theatre etc.
Features of Mauryan Art and Architecture
By the fourth century BC, the Mauryas established their power in the Magadha region. By the third century BC, a large part of India was under Mauryan control.
Mauryan art and architecture were a culmination of a long movement which began indigenously.
Mauryan art was different from the earlier art traditions in that it departed from the use of wood, sun-dried brick, clay, ivory and metal to that of stone in huge dimensions.
One of the important features of Mauryan art is its Achaemenid connection. Mauryan dominions under Chandragupta Maurya touched Afghanistan and what had been erstwhile Achaemenid possessions.
Stambha architecture which had its beginning in wood, was transformed into a new medium, Stone. Gradually it acquired capitals and bases, with the shaft also becoming eight or sixteen-sided.
Mauryan Art and Architecture
The Mauryas made a remarkable contribution to art and architecture.They introduced stone masonry on a wide scale. It can be understood from different forms of art and architecture like caves, stupas, pillars and palaces.
Mauryan Palace (Eighty pillared hall and Arogya Vihar, Pataliputra)
It was inspired by Achaemenid palace art.
The Greek historian Megasthenese described the palaces of the Mauryan empire as one of the greatest creations of mankind.
The Chinese traveller Fa-Hian called Mauryan palaces god-gifted monuments or monuments built by gods, not humans.
About Pataliputra, Megasthenese mentions that towns were surrounded by wooden walls where a number of holes were created to let the arrow pass by.
The town had 64 entrances and 570 towns.
The royal assembly building in Kumhrar was a hall with 80 pillars. Its roof and floor were made of wood.
The hall has been variously assigned as the palace of Asoka, the audience hall, the throne room of Mauryas, a pleasure hall, or the conference hall for the third Buddhist council held at Pataliputra in 3rd Century B.C. during the reign of Ahsoka.
Patanjali also mentioned Chandragupta‟s Rajsabha in his Mahabhashya.
Arrian (a Greek historian) compared Chandragupta‟s palace with the buildings of Susa and Ekbatan.
Mauryan pillars are free-standing, tall, well proportionate, with tapering shafts and monolithic. They are made of sandstone which was quarried at Chunar.
The pillars have a lustrous polish.
The erection of pillars was prevalent in the Achaemenian empire.
Difference between both: Mauryan pillars are rock-cut, thus displaying the carver’s skills, whereas the Achaemenian pillars are constructed in pieces by a mason.
Stone pillars were erected by Ashoka, which have been found in north India with inscriptions engraved by them.
The top portion of the pillar was carved with capital figures like the bull, the lion, the elephant, etc.
Sarnath (Lion Capital) (Uttar Pradesh)
Known as the Mauryan pillar capi.
Roaring lion: It is carved with notable voluminous roaring lion figures firmly standing on a circular abacus.
Abacus: It depicts a chakra (wheel) with twenty-four spokes in all four directions.
It is carved with the figures of a horse, a bull, a lion and an elephant between every chakra in vigorous movement, executed precisely.
A bell-shaped lotus: It forms the lowest portion of the pillar.
This pillar capital symbolises Dhammachakrapravartana (the first sermon by the Buddha).
It is our national emblem adopted by the Government of India on 26 January 1950.
Hsuen Tsang: Mentions of a seventy-foot high pillar with shining polish standing at the same site.
Lauriya Nandangarh (Bihar)
The top of the pillar is bell-shaped with a circular abacus.
It has six edicts inscribed on its polished stone shaft.
Situated on the trade route that connects the eastern Gangetic basin with western Asia.
The lotus bell capital supports a drum carved with a row of geese. A seated lion crowns the capital.
The pillar reveals the Achaemenid and Hellenistic influences on the Indian stone carving tradition.
Emperor Ashoka commemorated the site of Lauriya Nandangarh with a Dhamma Stambhadorned with a single Lion Capital at the top.
Rampurva (Bull Capital) (Delhi)
It is a realistic depiction of a Zebu bull.
It is a mixture of Indian and Persian elements.
The motifs on the base, atop the inverted lotus, the rosette, the palmette, and the acanthus ornaments are not Indian features.
Rashtrapati Bhavan houses the magnificent sandstone capital.
Inscriptions of Gupta Emperor Samudragupta and Mughal Emperor Jehangir are also attributed to this pillar.
The inscription mentions that Samudragupta defeated twelve rulers in his South India expedition.
Due to the popularity of Buddhism and Jainism, stupas were constructed on a large scale.
Stupas were constructed over the relics of the Buddha.
Sanchi Stupa (Madhya Pradesh)
The great stupa at Sanchi was built with bricks during the time of Ashoka and later was covered with stones.
It was enlarged using local sandstone during the Sunga period.
The elaborately-carved gateways were added later (by Satvahanas) in the 1st century BC. It depicts Jataka stories.
The main body of the stupa symbolises the cosmic mountain.
It is topped by a ‘harmika’ to hold the triple umbrella, or ‘chhatraveli’, representing the three jewels of Buddhism – the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
The reliefs of Sanchi display the following quite prominently.
The four great events of the Buddha’s life– birth, attainment of knowledge, dharma chakra – pravartana and Mahaparinirvana.
Representations of birds and animals like lions, elephants, camels, ox, etc., are abundant.
Some animals are shown with riders in heavy coats and boots.
Lotus and wishing vines and
Unique representation of forest animals.
Bharhut Stupa (Madhya Pradesh)
Originally built by Ashoka but enlarged later by Shungas.
It is important for its sculptures.
The important features:
Gateways or toranas, which are imitations in stone of wooden gateways.
Railings made of red sandstone spreading out from the gateways. They also are imitations, in stone, of post and rail fence, but the stone railings of Bharhut have, on top, a heavy stone border (coping).
Railings have carvings of Yakshas, Yakshis and other divinities associated with Buddhism.
There are, as in other Stupa railings, representations of Buddhist themes like Jataka stories in combination with various natural elements.
Dhauli Shanti Stupa (Orissa)
Ashoka laid the foundation of Dhauligiri Shanti Stupa at a place known for the end of the Kalinga War.
The overall structure is in the shape of a dome.
The Dhauli Shanti Stupa has four massive idols of Lord Buddha in various postures, along with episodes from Gautam Buddha’s life carved on stone slabs.
Dhamek Stupa (Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh)
Its construction was ordered by Emperor Ashoka.
It is the exact spot of Buddha’s first sermon.
At Dhamek stupa Buddha revealed an eight-fold path leading to nirvana.
The site is described as Mriga-daya-vanam (sanctuary for animals).
Caves are generally used as viharas.
Mauryan caves are highly polished. For example- Lomas Rishi cave.
Barabar and Nagarjuni Hill Caves (Bihar)
They are among India’s oldest rock-cut caves.
They are dedicated to the monks of the Ajivika sect.
There are seven caves.
Four in Barabar Hill (Lomus Rishi, Sudama, Viswamitra and Karna Chopar Caves).
Three in Nagarjuni Hill (Vahiyaka, Gopika and Vadathika Caves).
Chambers bear dedicatory inscriptions
King Piyadassi for the Barabar group, and
Devanpiya Dasaratha for the Nagarjuni group
Some of the rock-cut chambers resemble the wooden buildings of that period. For example- It can be seen in the Lomus Rishi and Sudama caves of Barabar Hills and Sitamarhi cave in Nagarjuni Hill.
The facade of the Lomas Rishi cave is decorated with the semicircular chaitya arch as the entrance and interior hall are rectangular, with a circular chamber at the back.
Northern Black Polished Ware
Highly polished gaze coating with black colour.
Generally used as luxury items.
NBPW usually have a thin section, grey core, and distinctive glossy lustre.
NBPW does not include large or heavy forms but is mainly confined to the usual dining set and table wares.
Large statues of Yakshas and Yakshinis are found at places like Patna, Vidisha and Mathura.
It shows the popularity of Yaksha worship and how it became part of figure representation in Buddhist and Jain religious monuments.
Didarganj Yakshini (Chauri bearer) (Bihar)
Tall, well-proportioned, free-standing sculpture.
Made in sandstone with a polished surface.
It exhibits happiness and bounty.
Chauri (flywhisk) is held in the right hand.
The image shows sophistication in the treatment of form and medium.
Dhauli Elephant (Orissa)
Carved in the living rock.
the Ashoka edict at the place ends with the word Sevto (white) in Pali. It suggests that it depicts Airavat, a white elephant depicted in Indian religious texts.
Situated near the battlefield where Ashoka renounced violence and turned towards Buddhism.
Mauryan Literature
Mauryan Kings patronised Buddhism and other religious sects like Ajivikas. The tolerant religious policies, flourishing economy and peaceful empire under Ashoka made literature flourish. The literature is described as under.
Kautilyas Arthashastra
It is a detailed work on statecraft.
Kautilya‟s work consists of 15 volumes(Adhikarnas).
The first five deal with internal administration (tantra).
The next eight with inter-state relations (avapa) and
The last two with miscellaneous topics.
Kautilya clearly distinguishes between Dharmasthiya (civil law) and Kantaka Sodhana (penal law).
Several types of enslavement are mentioned in Arthashastra.
There was a variety of protection offered to the slaves, especially to the enslaved women.
As per the Arthashastra, When a child is begotten on a female slave by her master, both the child and its mother shall at once be recognised as free.
According to the Arthshastra, if a son born to a female slave was fathered by her master, the son was entitled to the legal status of the master’s son.
Kautilya also wrote Chanakya-shataka
Spiritual teacher of Chandragupta Maurya.
Kalpa Sutra
Bhadrabahu Samhita
Indica by Megasthenes
It tells the story of India during the reign of the Maurya Dynasty.
According to Indica, Heracles (a legendary Greek hero) helped to build the great city of Pataliputra.
It also talked about the economy and society prevalent in the Mauryan period.
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Mauryan Art FAQs
Q1. What was foreign influence on Mauryan art and architecture?+
Ans. Most scholars agree that Mauryan art was influenced by Greek and Persian art, especially in imperial sculpture and architecture.
Q2. What is the importance of Sanchi?+
Ans. Sanchi is of outstanding universal value. The stupas, temples, viharas, and stambha at Sanchi in central India are among the oldest and most mature examples of aniconic arts and free-standing architecture that comprehensively document the history of Buddhism from the 3rd century BC to the 12th century AD.