I2U2, Initiative, Objectives, Grouping

I2U2 Group is a strategic partnership formed between India, Israel, United Arab Emirates, and USA.

Table of Contents

What is I2U2?

The I2U2 Group is a new strategic partnership formed between India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. It is also referred to as the West Asian Quad/Middle East Quad/New Quad.

  • It was established to enhance cooperation and collaboration in various areas such as water, energy, transportation, space, health, and food security.
  • The main objective of this grouping is to promote economic development, scientific innovation, and regional stability.
  • Member countries committed to working together to address common challenges and explore new opportunities for growth and progress.

What are the objectives of I2U2?

The I2U2’s objectives are as follows:

  • To reinvigorate and re-establish American partnerships globally.
  • To enhance collaboration and engagement among the four nations in various areas such as food security, maritime cooperation, and other related fields.
  • To promote deeper economic and trade relations between the four countries while also focusing on biotechnology.
  • To leverage the technological expertise of India, Israel, USA, and UAE to collaborate in various areas, including technology, climate, COVID-19, trade, and security.
  • To examine the possibilities of security cooperation among the four nations within the structure of the new alliance.

How did the I2U2 originate and evolve?

  • In October 2021, the I2U2 platform was established after the Abraham Accords between Israel and the UAE with the aim of addressing matters related to maritime security, infrastructure, and transportation in the area.
  • Originally named the “International Forum for Economic Cooperation,” it was also known as the “West Asian Quad” at the time.
  • First virtual summit: As part of I2U2 initiatives, India, Israel, UAE, and the US will hold their first virtual summit in July 2022.

What factors led to the formation of I2U2?

  • Abraham accords: In 2020, the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco established formal ties with Israel under the Abraham Accords, which were promoted by the Trump Administration. The restoration of regular diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE made this novel alliance possible.
  • Countering Turkey’s assertiveness in the region: The emergence of the new Quad can be attributed to the aligned interests of India, the UAE, and Israel, which were spurred by Turkey’s assertive claims to leadership in the Islamic world.
  • Countering China: The initiative has been launched to counter China’s influence and projects such as BRI in the region.
  • More focused on economic cooperation: While the Indo-Pacific Quad was primarily focused on defence and security, the West Asia Quad seems to focus more on economic cooperation and not security cooperation.

What are the areas of operation of I2U2?

  • Economic cooperation: A new ‘Quad’ aims to deepen economic cooperation among Israel, India, UAE, and United States.
  • Six identified focused areas: I2U2 is aimed to encourage joint investments in six mutually identified areas such as water, energy, transportation, space, health, and food security.
  • Clean Energy: It intends to mobilize private sector capital and expertise to help modernize the infrastructure and low-carbon development pathways for our industries, improve public health and promote the development of critical emerging and green technologies.
  • Connectivity: It aims to advance physical connectivity between countries in the Middle East region.
  • Finding solutions for waste management: It strives to jointly create new solutions for waste treatment and explore joint financing opportunities.
  • Strengthening startup ecosystem: The four countries will try to connect the startups to I2U2 investments.
  • Security and defense cooperation: India and the US are already members of the QUAD, and India has individual bilateral defence cooperation with each of the countries.
  • Climate diplomacy: All the members are part of the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate initiative (AIM for Climate).

What is the significance of the grouping for India?

  • Dehyphenation of foreign policy: India can deepen engagement with Israel through Abraham Accords without risking its ties with the UAE and the other Arab states.
  • India’s position in global politics: I2U2 grouping will help emerge India as a global leader in various issues such as climate cooperation, clean energy, waste management, etc.
  • Market benefits for India: India is a massive producer of goods such as automotive, etc. This will benefit capturing the market opportunities in the other three countries.
  • Strategic autonomy: India is part of SCO, Quad, and I2U2 at the same time. Hence, it will help India to maintain strategic autonomy.
  • Investments in India: In the first summit, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced investing USD 2 billion in India to develop Food Parks across the country.
  • Focusing on voluntary roles: I2U2 has emphasized voluntary economic initiatives rather than binding multilateral trade deals (like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership).
  • Significance of grouping for diaspora: The Indian diaspora in West Asian nations will have a significant impact on remittances, and the I2U2 will help enhance the cooperation further.
  • More flexibility to India in the region: The new “Quad” will give India the flexibility to engage more freely with Israel and India’s partners in the Gulf region.
  • Diplomacy shifts from bilateral to regional mechanism: This platform strengthens India’s strategic desire to adopt a regional foreign policy strategy towards West Asia, transcending its bilateralism.

What are the limitations and challenges of I2U2?

For India

  • Departure from India’s non-aligned stance: Being a member of I2U2, it is difficult for India to maintain a balance with other organizations such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).
  • Regional credibility: India in I2U2 might create a dent in India’s credibility as a non-partisan state in trying to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict. .
  • Relations with China and RussiaGroupings such as I2U2 can lead to degrading India’s relations with Russia and China.
  • Acknowledgement of USA hegemony: Through the inclusion of the USA, India recognizes the active role of the USA in the matters of the West Asian region.

For I2U2

  • Impact on geopolitics: Initiatives such as the Abraham accord are the major breakthrough. However, the other states in the region are still reluctant to maintain friendly bilateral relations with Israel.
  • Formation of new axes: It may lead to new regional polarization, where China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, and Turkey could be on one side while India, Israel, USA, and UAE on the other side.
  • Overlooking the regional issues: I2U2, focussed on individual national interests, may not be able to resolve the existing regional issues.

How can India use the I2U2 platform to pursue its foreign policy goals? 

  • Leveraging the relations for economic cooperation: India can leverage its good relations with Israel, the Gulf, and the US alike to build economic exchanges that are mutually beneficial.
  • Maintaining strategic relations with the region: Utilizing India’s diaspora presence and its “Look West” policy of intensifying already flourishing relations with major powers in the Middle East, New Delhi should hold a deep strategic relationship with the region.
  • Utilizing the platform for energy cooperation and trade: The I2U2 is a good opportunity to enhance cooperation in energy, security, food security, trade and commerce, maritime security, etc.
  • Mutual benefit from each country’s expertise: Cooperation between the four countries is crucial. The US is an export hub, while UAE is growing in the energy sector. Israel is way ahead in terms of defense research and technology, and India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.
  • Pursuing the goal of clean energy: India can benefit from the I2U2 Group which will advance a hybrid renewable energy project in India’s Gujarat State. The project consists of 300 MW of wind and solar capacity complemented by a battery energy storage system.
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Q1. When was the first I2U2 summit held? +

Q2. Which of the countries are signatories to the Abraham Accord?+

Tags: i2u2 quest

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