IAS Salary 2025, Grade Pay, Per Month Salary, Promotion & Perks

IAS Salary in India is Rs. 56,100 per month which can go up to Rs. 2,50,000. Know more about IAS Officer Salary 2025, Perks, Job Profile, in Hand Salary Structure here

ias salary 2025
Table of Contents

The basic IAS Salary starts from INR 56,100 per month. It increases on the basis of the level of seniority and designation. The highest IAS Officer Salary can go up to INR 2,50,000 per month for the post of Cabinet Secretary of India. In addition to the monthly IAS salary, officers are entitled to various allowances and perks, which can include Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA), and more, depending on their posting location and other factors.

Several factors draw young individuals towards a civil service career in the country. Besides the sense of pride and honour associated with being a civil servant or diplomat, the attractive IAS salary, benefits, responsibilities, and authority also play a significant role in influencing their decision.

IAS Salary Per Month

The entry-level IAS Officer Salary per month in India begins at ₹56,100, with a potential growth range of ₹56,100 – ₹132,000 per month. With each promotion and years of service, the IAS salary per month increases significantly. At the pinnacle of the career ladder, the Cabinet Secretary of India earns approximately ₹250,000 per month, achievable after 37+ years of dedicated service.

The IAS Salary per month also includes a 9% Dearness Allowance (DA), which leads to 32.7% per annum.

IAS Officer Salary 2025 after 7th Pay Commission

In the 7th Central Pay Commission, the previous system of ‘Pay Grades for Civil Services’ has been replaced by ‘Consolidated Pay Levels’ in the new pay structure. Under this system, the IAS Officer pay scale is determined solely based on the ‘Basic Pay,’ along with additional allowances like TA (Travel Allowance), DA (Dearness Allowance), and HRA (Housing and Rent Allowance). The uniformity in the initial salary of all IAS officers, which increases with tenure and promotions, serves as a significant attraction for candidates applying for the UPSC Exam.

 Salary of an IAS Officer
Basic Pay (Rs) Number of years required in service Post
District Administration State Secretariat Central Secretariat
56100 1-4 Sub-Divisional Magistrate Undersecretary Assistant Secretary
67,700 5-8 Additional District Magistrate Deputy Secretary Undersecretary
78,800 9-12 District Magistrate Joint Secretary Deputy Secretary
1,18,500 13-16 District Magistrate Special Secretary-cum-Director Director
1,44,200 16-24 Divisional Commissioner Secretary-cum-Commissioner Joint Secretary
1,82,200 25-30 Divisional Commissioner Principal Secretary Additional Secretary
2,05,400 30-33 No Equivalent Rank Additional Chief Secretary No Equivalent Rank
2,25,000 34-36 No Equivalent Rank Chief Secretary Secretary
2,50,000 37+ years No Equivalent Rank No Equivalent Rank Cabinet Secretary of India

Highest IAS Officer Salary

The highest salary of an IAS Officer, as per the latest 7th Pay Commission, reaches an impressive figure of ₹2,50,000 per month. This prestigious position of Cabinet Secretary of India is attainable after more than 37 years of dedicated service in civil services.

IAS Grade Pay

In the IAS Salary structure, the Grade Pay begins at Rs. 5400 for positions like Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) or Undersecretary. It then progresses based on the pay matrix, which incorporates various levels introduced in the 7th Pay Commission. The details are given in the table below:

Pay Band (in ₹) Grade Pay (in ₹) Level in Pay Matrix Designations


5400 10 Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM)/

Undersecretary in State Secretariat/

Assistant Secretary in Central Secretariat

6600 11 Additional District Magistrate (ADM)/

Deputy Secretary in State Secretariat/ Under-Secretary in Central Secretariat

7600 12 District Magistrate (DM)/

Joint Secretary in State Secretariat/

Deputy Secretary in Central Secretariat


37400- 67000

8700 13 DM (Director in Government of India)/

Additional Commissioner in IRS/

Joint Commissioner in IRS

10000 14 Inspector General (IG) of Police/

Commissioner (IAS/IRS)/

Joint Secretary in GOI

67000- 79000 15 Additional Director General (ADG) of Police/

Additional Secretary in GOI/

Principal Secretary in State/

Principal Commissioner in IRS

80000 17 Chief Secretary in State/

DG of Police/

Secretary in GOI/

Principal Chief Commissioner in IRS

90000 18 Cabinet Secretary of India

IAS Officer Career Growth

Probationary Officer (Entry Level): Trainee IAS officers undergo a probationary period during which they receive foundational training in various aspects of administration, governance, and policy-making.

  • Learn about the functioning of the government and various departments.
  • Understand the legal framework and procedures.
  • Acquire skills related to public administration.

Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM): SDMs are responsible for the administration of a sub-division within a district.

  • Maintenance of law and order.
  • Implementing government schemes and programs.
  • Revenue collection and administration.
  • Overseeing development projects.

District Magistrate (DM) / Collector / Deputy Commissioner: DMs are in charge of the overall administration of a district.

  • Maintaining law and order.
  • Revenue administration.
  • Implementation of government policies and programs.
  • Coordination with various departments.

Divisional Commissioner: Divisional Commissioners oversee a division which comprises multiple districts.

  • Coordinating activities between different districts.
  • Resolving inter-district issues.
  • Monitoring development projects and schemes.

Secretary/Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary in State Government: These positions involve policy formulation, implementation, and administrative responsibilities at the state level.

  • Formulating policies.
  • Implementing government programs.
  • Advising ministers on various issues.

Director/Additional Director in State Departments: Directors are responsible for specific departments within the state government.

  • Overseeing the functioning of the department.
  • Implementing policies related to the department’s area of responsibility.

Principal Secretary/Additional Chief Secretary/Chief Secretary: These are top bureaucratic positions in the state government.

  • Providing administrative support and advice to ministers.
  • Formulating policies.
  • Coordinating between different departments.

Central Government Positions: At various stages of their career, IAS officers may be deputed to central government positions, which include roles in ministries, departments, and autonomous bodies.

  • Working on national policies and programs.
  • Implementing central government initiatives.

Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/Secretary in Central Ministries/Departments: These are high-ranking positions in the central government.

  • Formulating and implementing policies at the national level.

Cabinet Secretary (Apex Position): The highest-ranking civil servant in India, responsible for coordinating and leading the administrative machinery.

  • Providing leadership to the civil services.
  • Coordinating policy formulation and implementation.
  • Coordination among different Ministries/Departments.

IAS Salary and Career Growth Chart

IAS Salary after 10 Years

The salary of an IAS officer increases with time due to annual increments, promotions, and other benefits. After 10 years of service, an IAS officer can expect a substantial increase in salary depending on their level and designation. The basic pay for an IAS officer is determined based on the Pay Matrix set by the Government of India. At the start of the 10th year of service, an IAS officer typically falls in Pay Level 14, where the basic pay is around Rs. 1,44,200 per month.

Here are some examples of the salary of an IAS officer after 10 years of service, based on their level and designation:

  • Level 12 (District Magistrate): ₹78,800 per month
  • Level 13 (Joint Secretary): ₹1,18,500 per month
  • Level 14 (Additional Secretary): ₹1,44,200 per month
  • Level 15 (Principal Secretary): ₹1,82,200 per month

It is important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual salary of an IAS officer may vary depending on their individual circumstances.

IAS Perks & Allowances

The salary of an IAS Officer is categorised into various grades, and the final amount is determined by the grade in which the officer serves. This salary comprises basic pay, grade pay, and additional perks and allowances that an IAS Officer is entitled to receive. Some of these benefits are outlined below:

  • Dearness Allowance (DA): This is a crucial component of an IAS officer’s salary, subject to periodic increments by the government. It can reach up to 103% of the basic pay, directly impacting the overall IAS Salary.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): HRA varies according to the city of the officer’s posting. Typically ranging from 8% to 24% of the basic pay, it aids in covering housing expenses.
  • Medical Allowance: The salary of an IAS includes a medical allowance, which can be claimed for reimbursement during medical treatments.
  • Other Benefits and Allowances: Various other benefits include transport allowance, house help benefits, mobile bills, travel expenses, as well as pension and retirement benefits.

It is essential for aspiring candidates to remember that the pay scale offered to an IAS Officer should not be the sole determinant for joining the services. The civil service offers an opportunity to serve the nation and positively impact the lives of its people. The chief motivation should be the desire to contribute to the country’s development and enhance the well-being of its citizens.

IPS vs IAS Salary

Are you curious about the salary structure of IAS and IPS officers? Both IAS and IPS officers start with a competitive salary of Rs 56,100 (excluding TA, DA, and HRA). However, the highest monthly salary for an IAS officer can reach an impressive Rs 2,50,000 as a Cabinet Secretary, while the highest IPS salary can reach Rs 2,25,000 for a DGP. There is no difference between the Salary of an IAS Officer and that of an IPS Officer. The only difference is the rank under both categories.

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Last updated on Feb, 2025

UPSC Notification 2025 was released on 22nd January 2025.

→ The UPSC Vacancy 2025 were released 1129, out of which 979 were for UPSC CSE and remaining 150 are for UPSC IFoS.

→ As per UPSC Notification, the last date to apply is 18th February 2025.

→ The UPSC Prelims 2025 is scheduled to be conducted on 25th May 2025 and UPSC Mains 2025 will be conducted on 22nd August 2025.

→ Apply once through it and aspirants can apply for various government exams conducted by UPSC.

→ The UPSC Selection Process is of 3 stages-Prelims, Mains and Interview.

IAS Salary 2025 FAQs

Q1. What is the starting salary of an IAS Officer?+

Q2. Who pays the salary to an IAS Officer?+

Q3. What is the Highest IAS Salary?+

Q4. Whose salary is higher, IAS or IPS?+

Q5. What are the perks of becoming an IAS Officer?+

Tags: IAS Officer Salary IAS Salary IAS Salary 2025 UPSC

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