Vernacular Press Act, Background, Provisions, Impact

The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 aimed to suppress anti-British sentiments in regional language newspapers. It led to protests, legal actions, and media resistance, fueling nationalist movements. Repealed in 1882, it highlighted British efforts to control press freedom in India.

Vernacular Press Act
Table of Contents

The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was enacted to curtail the freedom of the Indian press and suppress criticism of British policies. Introduced in response to growing dissent, especially after the outbreak of the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878–80), the act reflected the British government’s attempt to silence opposition. Proposed by Lord Lytton, the then Viceroy of India, it specifically targeted newspapers published in Indian languages that voiced resistance to colonial rule.

The Vernacular Press Act, passed by the Viceroy’s Council in 1878, excluded English-language publications. It was designed to control seditious writing in ‘publications in Oriental languages’ across the country. However, widespread opposition to the act grew over time, leading to its eventual repeal in 1882 under Lord Ripon’s administration.

Vernacular Press Act Background

The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was introduced to silence and control educated Indians from spreading their nationalistic ideas and influencing the masses through local language publications. Its origins lay in the challenges posed by the Indian press, which often opposed the British administration, starting with the ban on Hicky’s Bengal Gazette in 1782 for criticizing the East India Company.

  • After the Revolt of 1857, racial animosity deepened, with the vernacular press becoming increasingly vocal against imperial policies, unlike the European press, which supported the government.
  • Public discontent intensified during Lord Lytton’s tenure, fueled by the devastating Bengal Famine (1876–77) and the extravagant Delhi Durbar.
  • Earlier measures like Lord Canning‘s Gagging Act of 1857 proved inadequate, prompting Lord Lytton to propose the introduction of the more stringent Vernacular Press Act to suppress dissent and control regional publications.

Vernacular Press Act Provisions

The Vernacular Press Act, often nicknamed “the Gagging Act,” was marked by its discriminatory treatment of the vernacular press compared to the English press and its denial of the right to appeal. The act included several stringent provisions to control the press, which are as follows:

  • Targeted Vernacular Press: The Act aimed at controlling regional language newspapers that spread anti-British sentiments.
  • Powers of the District Magistrate: The district magistrate could require printers and publishers of vernacular newspapers to sign a bond pledging not to publish content that could incite disaffection against the government or create communal tensions.
  • Security Deposit: Publishers could be asked to provide a security deposit, which would be forfeited if they violated the conditions. Repeated violations could lead to the confiscation of printing equipment.
  • Lack of Appeal Rights: The district magistrate’s decision was final and could not be appealed in any court of law.
  • Exemption Through Censorship: Newspapers could avoid restrictions by submitting their content to a government censor for approval.
  • Confiscation of Materials: Authorities had the power to seize printing presses and other materials used to publish seditious content.
  • Punitive Actions: Editors and publishers of seditious newspapers could face fines or imprisonment, with no right to a trial by jury.
  • Exclusion of English-language Press: The Act did not affect English-language publications, leading to criticisms of discrimination.
  • Extraterritorial Provisions: The Act allowed for the suppression of seditious publications even if published outside India but circulated within the country.

Vernacular Press Act Impact

The Vernacular Press Act provoked strong backlash from educated Indians, journalists, and political leaders, deepening the divide between the Indian public and the British government and fueling the rise of the nationalist movement. In response, many vernacular newspapers either reduced their critical content or stopped publishing to avoid clashes with the authorities.

  • Suppressed Nationalism: Targeted vernacular newspapers spreading anti-British sentiments, aiming to control nationalist ideas in regional languages.
  • Protests and Resistance: The Act sparked widespread outrage, strengthening the nationalist movement and press resistance.
  • Legal Action and Press Changes: Several publications, like Som Prakash, Bharat Mihir, Dacca Prakash, and Samachar, faced legal action. Amrita Bazar Patrika switched to English to bypass restrictions.
  • Favoring English-language Press: English-language newspapers were exempt, creating an imbalance and favoring pro-colonial media.
  • Radicalization of the Press: The Act led to the formation of more defiant publications, increasing political opposition to British rule.
  • Boosted Nationalist Movements: The Act fueled the demand for press freedom and self-governance, contributing to India’s independence struggle.
  • Regulatory Changes: The pre-censorship clause was removed, and a Press Commissioner was appointed to ensure reliable news.
  • Repeal of the Act: The Act was repealed in 1882 by Lord Ripon, who replaced Lord Lytton as Viceroy, marking its failure.

Amrit Bazar Patrika

Acts Targeting Freedom of the Press

During the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement, as militant nationalist sentiments grew, the British government implemented several repressive laws to suppress dissent. In addition to the Vernacular Press Act, a number of other acts were passed to further restrict the freedom of the press and limit the expression of nationalist ideas.

  • The Press Act of 1835: Restricted the press in India, allowing the government to control publications, censor material, and suspend newspapers deemed subversive, limiting freedom of expression in a growing print culture.
  • The Press Act of 1857 (Gagging Act): Introduced after the Revolt of 1857, this act allowed the British to suppress seditious publications, impose heavy fines, and imprison editors, aiming to curtail nationalist sentiments and control the press.
  • The Sedition Act of 1870: Made sedition a criminal offense, targeting actions or writings that incited rebellion. This act was used to suppress critiques of British rule, especially in the press and political activism.
  • The Indian Press Act of 1910: Tightened control over Indian press, requiring publishers to post security bonds. It enabled government censorship, suspension of newspapers, and seizure of printing presses to curb nationalist publications.
  • The Official Secrets Act (1923): Restricted the release of government information, especially classified materials. Journalists and individuals could be punished for publishing sensitive content, curtailing investigative reporting and press freedom on government matters.
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Vernacular Press Act FAQs

Q1. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act?+

Q2. What were the rules of the Vernacular Press Act?+

Q3. What is the other name of the Vernacular Press Act?+

Q4. Which vernacular newspaper was not affected by the Vernacular Press Act?+

Q5. Under Vernacular Press Act proceedings were initiated among which all vernacular newspapers?+

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