09:14 AM
Prelims: General Science
Mains: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.
The Nuclear Triad of India is a three-sided military-force structure consisting of ICBMs (land-based nuclear missiles), SSBNs (nuclear-missile-armed submarines), and Strategic Bombers (strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles). The theory underlying the triad is that spreading the country’s extensive nuclear arsenals across various weapons platforms and dimensions would provide a Credible Minimum Deterrence (CMD). In 2018, with the deployment of INS Arihant (an SSBN),a Strategic Strike Nuclear Submarine, India got its fully operational Nuclear Triad.
India’s Nuclear Triad, as with other nations, comprises three components, each having the capability of a nuclear strike - Land, Air, and Naval (Sea).
It mainly includes missiles that can be launched from land-based platforms such as ICBMs (Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles), SRBMs (Short Range Ballistic Missiles), etc. The ICBMsare quite responsive and lethal.
This component majorly includes the Ship Submersible Ballistic Nuclear Submarines (SSBNs).
It majorly includes the Bombers which are considered as flexible for attacking. The bomber aircraft are flexible and can resolve during a crisis and provide a variety of deployment and yield options when placed on alert.
India is among very few countries (United States, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan) which have achieved the capability of nuclear triad. The Nuclear Triad has its own significance in providing security to a nation.
The deterrence of a nuclear triad depends on the vehicles (platforms) and the capabilities of missiles. The Nuclear Triad of India, though complete, still faces a few shortcomings.
Only five countries are known to have the nuclear triad: the United States, Russia, China, India, and Pakistan. Israel is suspected of having it as well. France gave up its triad when it renounced ground-launched missiles.
After the INS Arihant was completed, India now contained air-launched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile-armed submarines, and strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles. This allows the country to join the nuclear triad.
A three-sided military-force structure consisting of land-launched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile-armed submarines, and strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles.
India has been an outspoken supporter of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. This is even though it has its own nuclear weapons programme. A variety of factors have shaped India's stance, including its historical experiences, strategic interests, and desire for international recognition.
Pakistan has obtained the nuclear triad through the development of submarine-launched cruise missiles and is steadily securing second-strike (retaliatory) capability.
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