National Service Scheme

1 min read
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Trained National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers from 153 NSS units will offer their services to differently abled people and senior citizens in Kozhikode district on the day of polls.

About National Service Scheme

  • It was launched during 1969, the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • It is a Central Sector Scheme of the Government of India.
  • It provides an opportunity to the student youth of the 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various Government led community service activities & programmes.
  • The NSS symbol
    • It is based on the "Rath" wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Odisha.
    • The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of mankind.
    • The Red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit.
    • The giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space.
  • Activities undertaken by NSS: National Integration Camp, Shramdaan. Blood donation, Immunisation, Plantation, Disaster Management and Adventure programs etc.
  • Motto: The motto of National Service Scheme is NOT ME BUT YOU

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.

Q1) What is Community service?

It is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You do not get paid to perform community service, though sometimes food and small gifts, like a t-shirt, are given to volunteers.

Source: NSS volunteers to offer help to differently abled people, senior citizens during polls in Kozhikode