Date of Commencement

4th February 2025




Rs 20000/- Inc. GST (Discount: 10% for External Students and 15% Ex Vajiram Students)

SMART Current Affairs Programme for UPSC Prelims and Mains

A catalyst to the Top Ranks!!

Embark on an empowering journey to the top ranks of the UPSC Civil Services exam with our SMART Current Affairs Programme 2025. Current affairs form an integral part of the UPSC syllabus. With more than 60% of the questions related to current events appearing in both the Preliminary and Main Examinations directly or indirectly. Therefore, staying updated about current events is essential to score well in these exams.

S.M.A.R.T. Current Affairs Programme 2025 by Vajiram & Ravi is a comprehensive programme that aims to provide aspirants with a Strategic, Multi-dimensional, Assessment-based, Resourceful, and Targeted approach to their Current Affairs preparation. The programme aims to achieve the following for the aspirants:

  • Comprehensive coverage of current affairs related issues.
  • Correlation of current issues with the static syllabus for a holistic understanding.
  • In-depth analysis of current issues with backward and forward linkages, varied perspectives, solutions and recommendations.
  • Understanding the Examiner’s Mindset to gauge the kind of questions that might be framed from current issues.
  • Developing the MCQ Solving and Answer writing skills to integrate current affairs with the UPSC CSE preparation.

The programme follows a comprehensive and goal-oriented approach that is divided into two phases:

Phases of the SMART Current Affairs Programme 2025

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Features of the SMART Current Affairs Programme 2025

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Why choose SMART Current Affairs Programme 2025?

As a renowned coaching institute for UPSC CSE, Vajiram & Ravi recognizes that despite a solid understanding of the static syllabus, certain aspirants encounter challenges in effectively incorporating and correlating current affairs. Their struggle lies in seamlessly applying this knowledge during both the Prelims and Main Examination stages, hindering their ability to answer questions and discern how a current issue might be framed as a question.

Key Challenges faced by aspirants in current affairs preparation are:

  • Identifying important current affairs for UPSC CSE Prelims and Main Examination.
  • Avoiding the deluge of current affairs material and focusing on quality over quantity.
  • Understanding the UPSC current affairs question pattern and the difference between news and issues. (News talks about an incident while Issues focus on ideas)
  • Analyzing and establishing connections between the forward and backward linkages of a current affairs topic.
  • Covering and connecting current affairs with the static syllabus.
  • Adopting an active and engaging approach rather than a passive and superficial one.

How will our SMART Current Affairs Programme help you?

We understand that students face difficulties in recalling or remembering current affairs/news that they regularly watch on YouTube channels and other such sources. The SMART Current Affairs Programme by Vajiram & Ravi offers the solution to this problem. The programme follows a multi-dimensional approach towards current affairs, which means that it covers all aspects of current affairs, including political, economic, and social events. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive multi-level guidance that covers all aspects of your preparation, including time management and exam strategy.

  • Structured Approach:
    • Divided into separate phases, our Current affairs programme provides a structured and organised approach to cover the diverse range of Current Affairs for Prelims, Mains and Interview stages of examination.
  • Focused Coverage:
    • The programme focuses on the specific requirements of the UPSC exam, covering current affairs topics related to politics, economics, science, technology, environment, international relations, and more.
  • Time Efficiency:
    • Scouring multiple newspapers, magazines, and online sources for current affairs information can be time-consuming. Our dedicated Current Affairs programme streamlines this process, saves time and ensures comprehensive coverage of current affairs under one single programme.
  • Integration with Syllabus:
    • The programme adopts an integrated approach, correlating current affairs with the static portions of the UPSC syllabus. This helps aspirants understand the interconnections between current events and broader subjects.
  • Improve MCQ solving skills:
    • The regular MCQ tests within class hours will help aspirants assess their retention and knowledge of current affairs.
  • Improve Main Answer Writing Skills
    • Our Current Affairs programme has been designed to impart the skill of seamlessly incorporating current affairs into the static syllabus when writing your answers in the UPSC Main Examination for GS Paper-I, II, III, and IV.
  • Boosts Essay and Interview Preparation:
    • Being well-versed in current affairs is essential for essay writing and interview rounds. Our programme aims to help aspirants develop the depth of knowledge needed to tackle these stages effectively.
  • Confidence and Clarity:
    • Regularly attending our current affairs classes will boost confidence in one's knowledge of current events and provide clarity on complex issues. This confidence is advantageous for all stages of the UPSC CSE Examination.
  • Suitable for all Aspirants:
    • Tailored for both fresher and senior aspirants, our programme is uniquely structured. It not only enhances understanding for freshers but also equips seniors with the skills to integrate current affairs seamlessly into problem-solving during exams. Therefore, ensures a comprehensive approach for all, addressing the specific needs of each aspirant.

Current Affairs Course details

Course details (Phase I)

  • Course Start date and time – 4th February 2025, 5:30PM
  • Classes will be conducted 3 times a week – both Online and Offline Mode available
  • Class duration will be 2.5-3 hours
  • Class Handouts and Factsheets for Quick revision
  • Live MCQ and PYQ sessions - For interactive learning, every class features MCQs to reinforce concepts and encourage active participation.
  • Includes fortnightly tests to track progress and 2 comprehensive full-length tests for exam readiness.

Course details (Phase II)

  • Course Start time: June 2025
  • Classes will be conducted ~3 times a week
  • Class/video duration will be 2.5-3 hours
  • Class Handouts and Value Addition material for high scoring.
  • Includes regular Live in-class Answer Writing sessions to track progress for exam readiness.
  • 4 comprehensive Full-length tests will be provided (in Phase II)



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