QUEST Notes for UPSC preparation by Vajiram & Ravi offers comprehensive study and note-making materials, relevant to the UPSC CSE 2025 and future exams. These UPSC Notes provide in-depth coverage of topics for Preliminary and Main Examinations for all the subjects, including History, Geography, Polity and Governance, Economy, Environment and Ecology, Science and Technology, International Relations, Social Issues, Ethics, and Internal Security.
Why QUEST Notes Are the Smart Choice for Aspirants?
QUEST Notes by Vajiram & Ravi offer comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date study material tailored for UPSC CSE 2025 and beyond. Covering all key subjects for Prelims and Mains, they provide in-depth insights, helping aspirants grasp complex concepts and enhance answer-writing skills.
QUEST Notes are meticulously prepared using trusted sources, including NCERTs, NIOS, Newspapers, PIB, Economic Survey, Union Budget, and other government reports. But why are QUEST Notes the smart choice for aspirants?
- Complete UPSC Syllabus and PYQ Content Coverage
- Timely Updates Aligned with the latest exam trends and Current Affairs
- Content curated by experienced Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
- Single Source for NCERTs & Standard Books Content
- Well-organized and structured, grouped by Subjects, Topics and Subtopics
- Easy navigation for quick reference and note-taking
- Balanced Prelims and Mains Focus
- Exam-Oriented Strategy – Focused preparation methods for better results
- Topic-wise Previous Year Questions (PYQs) – Prelims and Mains Included
Ancient History Notes for UPSC
Ancient History Notes for UPSC offer a comprehensive understanding of the rich cultural diversity, art, architecture, literature, and religious practices of ancient civilizations that shaped India’s identity. They cover key topics such as the Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, and more. Compiled from trusted sources like Old and New NCERTs, NIOS, Tamil Nadu Board Books, and other standard references, these notes provide accurate and well-structured content to help aspirants master ancient history for the UPSC exam.
- Ancient History Notes for UPSC
- Indian Prehistory – Culture, Tools and Sites
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic Period – Social, Economic, Political and Religious Life
- Mahajanapadas
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Mauryan Empire
- Post-Mauryan Period
- Gupta Empire
- Post-Gupta Period
- Foreign Travellers who visited India
Medieval History Notes for UPSC
Medieval History Notes for UPSC cover key political, cultural, and socio-economic developments, including the Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, and regional kingdoms. They provide insights into medieval art, architecture, literature, and religious movements like Bhakti and Sufism, helping aspirants improve answer-writing skills and excel in both Prelims and Mains.
- Medieval History Notes for UPSC
- Tripartite Struggle
- Medieval Kingdoms of North India
- Medieval Kingdoms of Deccan and South India
- Vijayanagar Empire
- Foreign Invasions during the Medieval Period
- Delhi Sultanate
- Mughal Empire
- Religious Movements in Medieval India – Evolution, Features and Impact
Modern History Notes for UPSC
Modern History Notes for UPSC covers key events such as the British East India Company’s rule, Indian Revolt of 1857, Freedom Struggle, Rise of Nationalist Movements, and India’s independence. Compiled from reliable sources like Old and New NCERTs, NIOS, and other standard references, these notes offer well-structured and accurate content to help aspirants effectively prepare for the UPSC exam.
- Modern History Notes for UPSC
- The advent of Europeans in India
- Establishment of British Rule in India – Colonialism in India
- Acts and Regulations under East India Company
- British Policies in India
- Governor General and Viceroy of India
- Civil uprisings before 1857
- Tribal Revolts – Tribal movements in India, their causes and impact
- Revolt of 1857
- Indian National Congress – Foundation
- Peasant Movements
- Socio-Religious Reform Movements
- Extremists – Rise of extremism in Indian National Movement
- Swadeshi movement
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Home Rule movement
- Non Cooperation movement
- Civil Disobedience Movement – Dandi March and Salt Satyagraha
- Revolutionary Movement in India – Revolutionary Activities
- Communist Party of India
- Quit India Movement
- Freedom Fighters of India and Their Contributions
- Freedom Fighters of India
World History Notes for UPSC
World History Notes for UPSC covers key historical milestones such as the Industrial Revolution, World Wars, colonialism, and the rise and fall of empires, offering valuable insights into the political, economic, and social evolution of different nations. Understanding world history helps in developing a broader perspective on global dynamics and their influence on contemporary international relations.
- World History Notes for UPSC
- Renaissance
- Industrial Revolution
- American Revolution
- French Revolution
- Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- Imperialism
- World War 1
- Russian Revolution
- Inter-War Period
- World War 2
- United Nations
- Cold War
- Decolonization
- Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Post-Independence India Notes for UPSC
Post-Independence India Notes for UPSC offer a detailed analysis of the political, social, economic, and cultural developments that shaped modern India after 1947. These notes cover key events such as the framing of the Constitution, emergency, political transitions, economic reforms of 1991, social movements, and foreign policy decisions.
- Post-Independence India Notes for UPSC
- Partition of India
- Integration of Princely States
- Reorganisation of States
- Land Reforms in India
- Evolution of Indian Economy: Pre and Post-Liberalisation Period
- Nehruvian Foreign Policy
- Lal Bahadur Shastri
- Indira Gandhi
- Coalition Government Era – Coalition Politics in India
Art and Culture Notes for UPSC
Art and Culture Notes for UPSC provide a detailed exploration of India’s rich artistic and cultural heritage, reflecting its deep historical roots and diversity. They cover key topics such as classical and folk dance forms, music, paintings, sculpture, architecture, literature, and religious traditions. Compiled from reliable sources like NCERTs, CCRT, Vajiram and Ravi Yellow Book and other standard references, these notes offer well-organized and accurate content for the UPSC exam.
- Art and Culture Notes for UPSC
- Indian Architecture – Art and Architecture of India
- Temple Architecture
- Indian Paintings
- Pilgrimage Sites in India
- Famous Universities of Ancient India
- Schools of Indian Philosophy
- Ancient Indian Literature
- Indian Languages
- Performing Arts
- Indian Cinema
Geography Notes for UPSC
Geography Notes for UPSC cover key topics like physical geography, climatology, oceanography, human geography, economic geography, natural resources, environmental issues, and population dynamics. Compiled from trusted sources like NCERTs, NIOS, Survey of India, and government reports, these notes are essential for mastering geography for the UPSC exam.
- Geography Notes for UPSC
- Indian Geography – Geography of India notes
- Climate of India
- Drainage system of India – River systems in India
- The Universe – Origin and its Composition
- Interior of the Earth Sources and Structure
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- Forests in India – Types, Characteristics and Examples
- Oceanography
- Economic Geography
- Human Geography
- Natural Vegetation of India
Indian Society Notes for UPSC
Indian Society Notes for UPSC offer a comprehensive overview of India’s social structure, covering key aspects such as diversity, caste system, Role of women, Marriage, Urbanisation, Gender roles, and Social transformations over time. Indian Society Notes for UPSC delve into the influence of historical, cultural, and economic factors on Indian society, helping aspirants understand the intricate social issues shaping modern India.
- Indian Society Notes for UPSC
- Salient Features of Indian Society
- Diversity of India
- Role of Women and Women’s Organisation
- Population and Associated Issues
- Poverty and Developmental Issues
- Urbanization in India – Problems and their Remedies
- Globalization
- Social Empowerment
- Communalism in India
- Regionalism
- Secularism in India
- Migration
- Caste System in India
- Marriage
- Issues relating to Sex Ratio in India
- Tribes in India
Polity Notes for UPSC
Polity Notes for UPSC provide a thorough understanding of India’s political framework, including the Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, Parliament, Judiciary, and Federal Structure. These notes cover key topics like Amendments, Political Parties, and Election Processes, compiled from trusted sources like NCERTs, standard books and government reports to help aspirants excel in the UPSC exam.
- Polity Notes for UPSC
- Indian Constitution
- Significant Provisions of Indian Constitution
- Schedules of Indian Constitution
- The Preamble of Indian Constitution
- Union and its Territory
- Citizenship
- Fundamental Rights
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Fundamental Duties
- Union Executive
- Federalism
- Emergency Provisions
- Parliament of India
- Union Budget – Government Budgeting
- State Executive
- State Legislature
- Indian Judiciary
- Tribunals
- Local Government in India
- Elections in India
- Constitutional Bodies
- Statutory, Quasi-judicial and Non-Constitutional Bodies
- Regulatory Bodies in India
- Pressure Group
- Importance of Supreme Court Judgements in India
- Recent Bills Passed in Parliament
Governance Notes for UPSC
Governance Notes for UPSC provide a comprehensive understanding of the framework and functioning of the Indian government, including government policies and interventions, public policy, rural and urban development, and agriculture policy. These notes also cover the role of NGOs and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in social welfare, including the ARC reports related to governance in policy implementation,.
- Governance Notes for UPSC
- Government policies and interventions
- Public Policy
- Rural Development
- Urban Development in India
- Agriculture Policy in India
- NGO – Role of NGO in social welfare
- Self-Help Groups
- Governance
- Role of Civil Services in a Democracy
- India’s Ranking in Different Indexes
Social Justice Notes for UPSC
Social Justice Notes for UPSC cover key topics such as social security, welfare schemes for vulnerable sections, women, children, minorities, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Persons with Disabilities (PwD), elderly people, health, education, human resources, poverty, and hunger.
- Social Justice Notes for UPSC
- Social Security in India
- Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Section
- Women
- Children
- Minorities in India
- Scheduled Caste
- Scheduled Tribes
- PwD – Persons with Disability
- Elderly People
- Health – Health Sector in India
- Education
- Human Resource
- Poverty
- Hunger
International Relations Notes for UPSC
International Relations Notes for UPSC provide a detailed understanding of India’s foreign policy, global partnerships, and geopolitical challenges. They cover key topics like India-China Relations, India-US Relations, India’s Role in the UN, and regional groupings. Sourced from The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, and MEA reports, these notes offer well-structured and updated content for UPSC preparation.
- International Relations Notes for UPSC
- Indian Foreign Policy
- India and its neighbourhood relations
- Bilateral relations
- Regional, Global Groupings and Agreements
- United Nations
- International Organizations
- Geopolitics
- Indian Diaspora
Economics Notes for UPSC
Economics Notes for UPSC explores the evolution of India’s economy, the impact of liberalization, and the role of government policies in shaping economic progress. Compiled from trusted sources like Economic Survey, Union Budget, NCERTs, and standard books, these notes offer well-structured and accurate content for effective preparation.
- Economics Notes for UPSC
- Indian Economy – Features, Structure, Current Position
- National Income – Measurement of National Income Accounting in India
- Capital Markets
- Equity Market – Share Market
- PFRDA – Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
- Five Year Plan in India – Economic Planning in India
- Money and Banking
- Fiscal Policy
- Taxation in India
- Inclusive Growth – Inclusive Growth and Issues arising from it
- Inflation – Meaning and types of inflation
- External Sector
- Infrastructure
- Energy Sector in India
- Transport Sector in India
- Industrial Sector of India
- Employment status in India
- Investment Models
- International Financial Institutions
Agriculture Notes for UPSC
Agriculture Notes for UPSC provide a comprehensive understanding of the agricultural landscape in India, covering key aspects such as cropping patterns, irrigation methods, the Public Distribution System and others. Detailed Agriculture Notes for UPSC can significantly enhance answer writing in both Prelims and Mains, providing a well-rounded understanding of India’s agricultural framework.
- Agriculture Notes for UPSC
- Indian Agriculture – Agriculture scenario in India
- Major Types of Crops in India
- Cropping Pattern
- Irrigation in India
- Economics of Animal Rearing
- Agriculture Storage and Transportation
- Agriculture Marketing
- Farm Subsidies in India
- PDS – Public Distribution System
- Technology Missions in Agriculture
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Food Processing Industry in India
- Agriculture Schemes and Farmers Welfare
Environment Notes for UPSC
Environment Notes for UPSC equip aspirants with a deep understanding of ecosystems, environmental laws, climate change, and biodiversity. They highlight key issues such as pollution, conservation efforts, and global environmental treaties, offering a clear perspective on the impact of human actions on nature. Environment Notes for UPSC simplify complex concepts, helping candidates develop a structured approach to environmental issues and improving their overall exam preparation.
- Environment Notes for UPSC
- Environment
- Ecosystem
- Aquatic Ecosystem
- Environmental Pollution
- Water Management
- Environmental Degradation
- Environmental Impact Assessment – EIA
- Waste Management
- Biodiversity
- Climate Change
- Environmental Conventions and Protocols
- Environment Movements in India
Science and Technology Notes for UPSC
Science and Technology Notes for UPSC provide a thorough understanding of key advancements, innovations, and their societal impacts, which are crucial for tackling both Prelims and Mains. They cover a wide range of topics, including biotechnology, space technology, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and renewable energy. Compiled from trusted sources like NCERTs, Newspapers, and Science Reports, Science and Technology Notes for UPSC offer accurate and structured content to help aspirants excel in the UPSC exam.
- Science and Technology Notes for UPSC
- Achievements of India in Science and Technology
- Information and Communication Technology
- Space Technology
- Robotics
- Nanotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Defence Technology
- Nuclear Technology
- Emerging Technologies
- Clean Technology
- Intellectual Property Rights – Meaning, Types, Importance, Objectives
- Developments in Science and Technology
- Nobel Prize
- General Science
- Chemistry concepts
- Biology for UPSC
- Materials and Display Technology
Disaster Management Notes for UPSC
Disaster Management Notes for UPSC offer a thorough understanding of natural and human-induced disasters, focusing on their causes, consequences, and effective management strategies. These notes cover important topics like the NDMA, CDRI, disaster-related events, and preparedness, making them highly relevant for UPSC CSE preparation.
- Disaster Management Notes for UPSC
- Disaster – Definition, vulnerability, types and management
- Disaster Management in India
- Earthquakes in India – Vulnerability, Preparedness and Mitigation
- Tsunami – Preparedness and Mitigation
- Floods in India- causes, impacts and mitigation
- Heat Waves
- Cold Waves
- Landslides
- Cyclone – preparedness, mitigation and management
- Forest Fires
- Disaster Management Act 2005
- National Disaster Management Authority – NDMA
- CDRI – Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
Internal Security Notes for UPSC
Internal Security Notes for UPSC deliver a thorough analysis of the dynamic challenges and strategic frameworks essential to safeguarding India’s national stability. Internal Security Notes for UPSC explore topics such as terrorism, insurgency, cyber threats, and border management, providing a nuanced understanding of policy responses and evolving security dynamics.
- Internal Security Notes for UPSC
- India’s National Security
- Challenges to India’s Internal Security
- Linkages between the development and spread of extremism
- Terrorism in India
- Cybersecurity
- PMLA 2002
- Border Management
- Security Forces and Agencies in India
- NIA – National Investigation Agency
- Military Exercises
Ethics Notes for UPSC
Ethics Notes for UPSC provide a deep dive into the core principles that guide human conduct and governance. It covers key topics like Dimensions of Ethics, Applied Ethics, Human Values, Emotional Intelligence, and contributions from moral thinkers worldwide. Ethics Notes for UPSC serve as an essential resource for cultivating ethical decision-making in the civil services.
- Ethics Notes for UPSC
- Ethics and Human Interface
- Dimensions of Ethics
- Applied Ethics
- Human Values
- Attitude
- Aptitude and Foundational Values of Civil Services
- Emotional Intelligence – concepts, and their utilities and applications in administration and governance.
- Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India
- Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from World
- Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
- Probity in Governance
- Case Study
- Ethical Concepts
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Last updated on Feb, 2025
→ UPSC Notification 2025 was released on 22nd January 2025.
→ The UPSC Vacancy 2025 were released 1129, out of which 979 were for UPSC CSE and remaining 150 are for UPSC IFoS.
→ As per UPSC Notification, the last date to apply is 18th February 2025.
→ The UPSC Prelims 2025 is scheduled to be conducted on 25th May 2025 and UPSC Mains 2025 will be conducted on 22nd August 2025.
→ Apply once through it and aspirants can apply for various government exams conducted by UPSC.
→ The UPSC Selection Process is of 3 stages-Prelims, Mains and Interview.
→ Also check Best IAS Coaching in Delhi
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Q2. Which are the best notes for UPSC?+
Q3. Is NCERT notes enough for UPSC?+
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Q5. Where do I get free notes for UPSC?+
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